Healing/healers nerfed...again

What a terrible change they snuck into the game yesterday.


I was healing mythics yesterday. I didn’t feel so nerfed.

Like all y’all just wanna be fighty and snarky today. Y’all need to be calm. It’s Friday. Say yay!


yayyy nerfffssss

y do blizzard hate healers? lol like why.

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They don’t. Y’all just being fussy right now.

Ssshhhhh… Be one with the Zen Cat, and you shall have the peace you so desire:


It really doesn’t matter in mythics much,
For the vast majority of the time you’re going to be in range…

Minus that 1 hunter that wants to be 19 football fields away

This will be felt when one is raiding.

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I haven’t done a dungeon/raid since the change, but I assume the default raid frames graying out when someone is out of range is not affected?

If so I’m good.


Don’t care about range. I want the UI to tell me when someone is behind LoS!

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Does this affect raid frames or just “/range x”?

Raid frames. You can no longer tell if someone is out of range of healing or LoS

Chill, there is no way in hell blizzard will do anything to your computational addons. Blessed be the LUA, the conduit to playing wow on easy mode.

Ah, yes - the hunter that keeps freeze trapping the affixes this week, when I have already repentenced them.

I think hunters might need glasses.

I don’t want PEACE, I shall cause CHAOS! this change is a slap in the face and I WILL RIOT (even tho I don’t use the add-ons anyway)!!

There’s a vendor for that

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Lmfao how? The freeze trap should be down before it even spawns, that’s pretty hilarious


Pets the trash panda
It will be ok, fren. It will be ok.

Multiple places, in fact! Cool, huh? The hunters should have no trouble finding them, so long as they pay someone to guide them there.

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Didn’t even notice it while healing bg blitz all day yesterday.

Because as a healer, I am paying attention to peoples bars. They can get a trap down while I am in the middle of a cast, which I am barely paying attention to.

If the hunter actually has the smarts to be casting trap in the first place, they should probably be announcing it in chat. It’s been delegated to healers since it came out, so if the hunter just spoke up and said, “Hey, Imma be trapping affixes”, then cool cool.

I’ve been healing since I started playing in wrath. This is my original toon. I’ve taken breaks or dabbled in other classes, but have always considered resto Druid my main. If this change sticks and I can’t gauge who’s in range of my heals, I’m done healing. Simple as. This is 10 steps too far.

No what im saying is, they should have that trap down before it even spawns so it instantly freezes upon spawn. You would see it frozen and not need to rep and it would be all gravy. For them to get the trap out after youve had time to cast rep is just so silly they should go back to the pond

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But it happens. And keeps happening.

Hence why hunters need glasses.