Healing/healers nerfed...again

I haven’t noticed, but does this mean that the default raid frames won’t gray out when players are out of range?

Are we talking about incorporeal here? Because I usually have to fight dps to get to them first. I’ve never been in a group where they expected me as heals to prioritize incorporeal. Now afflicted is a different story…


If they didn’t want marksman to stand 100ft away they wouldn’t have given extra range as part of their mastery!

I should probably be arrested for the amount of paralysis I’ve been handing out this week. I’m a walking auto immune disease for these elementals.


wow… this is blown way out of context…

addon targeted for a range checker and being used as healing nerf?.. like seriously its not a nerf to anyone… if you have to have a range check for healing you might want to learn how to position better

I ran a few keys this week and the dps were a DH, rogue and hunter - between frost trap, sap/blind and imprison, I rarely got a repentance out. Paralysis is amazing, though - that instant cast!


I love monk tank for the paralysis, ring of peace and Cleanse. It makes some of the affixes so easy. I’m looking at my veng dh with a billion sigils though and getting jealous


…What does restricting in-combat distance has to do with healers? …

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I was running with a brew tank the other day and we were RoP-ing and Paralyzing all the things.

You can do the “double shove” ring of peace technique if you have 2 monks. Just RoP on each side of the adds group and they will bounce back and forth over and over. It’s funny to see/pull off.


It affects Healer Raid Frames and makes it difficult for healers to know who they can and can’t heal. After healing for years, this change is beyond crap for raid. It needs to be reverted. Buff the content if that’s the goal, don’t make a healers role worse then they already have.

Edit. Just tested and my Vuhdo Frames still working fine. So it’s “Not” affecting frames.


I definitely have, for both incorporeal and afflicted. Afflicted I can understand, because healer (although it’s kinda derp if dps can dispell or whatever, but meh). However, I have definitely had groups that were expecting me to deal with the incorporeals as well. They straight up asked me to do it. I have mouseovers for both, so no big, but it was definitely a, “Hurrdurr, healer can do it” thing at the start.

Ahh, Alright then. :+1:

I’m a healer. I’ve never used addons though so I support this. Addons are a crutch

Just tested and my Vuhdo Frames still working fine. So it’s “Not” affecting frames. Yay!

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all my nameplates lost the range indicator. cant tell about raid frame. this sux. now i dont know if i am in range to the target as a caster which is the whole point of it. so plater nameplates is affected.
im not sure if its only in combat for frames. i read about this somewhere but not sure. need to test it. but elv ui released a hotfix but it is less accurate. thats what was written in the changelog

It didn’t affect any of the good addons, just the bad ones which were using items to measure distance. Like I know bananas are a popular way of measuring things, but we always could and still can measure by Spells, which are far more accurate at it.

In this case, the API that was gated was the one used to check whether items are in range. A lot of addons use items to measure range because that’s easier to code and the character doesn’t need to know the spell.

Vuhdo was designed in a way that the first page asks you to select the spell to measure things with, so it’s calling another function, which didn’t get axed.

They should be tossing trap before theyre up so you have a better idea of where to aim

Here’s what the change is. The function IsItemInRange() no longer returns the expected result while in combat.

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I don’t understand. Where’s the nerf?


Also: as a Prevoker… this does make my life more annoying trying to do creative geometry with all the damn ranged spread out and that one hunter. :rofl: