Healing Solo Shuffle

Healers have been a problem in terms of bottlenecking content since 2004. This isnt a PvP problem, its not a dragonflight problem or even a WoW problem, it happens in every single game to support a dedicated health filler up role in a multiplayer game. Its straight up just bad game design.

Fixing healer mmr is going to be great for the minority of people who actually enjoy playing healers, but its not going to make others WANT to play healer.

This is an expansion worthy prospect but its the only way to solve this problem. Either they dont and WoW remains the same as stagnant and stale or they take a chance to actually revitalize the game.

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anecdotal but there is a LARGE amount of people i personally know that have never healed that have been healing shuffle these last 2 seasons because of queue times that actually lean into and enjoy the role after getting into it

healing is stressful and it isn’t enjoyable when you don’t know what’s going on and that’s never going to be easy at an entry level
but it’s a role that has a TON of nuance and is extremely rewarding when played well and there’s tons of non healer players that can recognize that and want to do it in casual content like RSS

healing is more unique in wow than it is in any other MMO or RPGs
if the bracket didn’t actively punish healers it would be completely fine

even now my queues are rarely longer than 20 minutes because so many dps are quitting anyways lmao


is the median healer’s mmr closer or further from the dps’ avg mmr compared to earlier in the season

this is still just true conceptually

“hey i’m a new player. what’s going on in world of warcraft pvp?”
“there’s a guy who isn’t you, whose job it is to make sure other players fail in their efforts to kill you.”
“so it’s his fault if i lose?”

and then they’ll never bother to learn any new things about the game ever again

  1. Add the ability remove the chat window. Give everyone the ability to toggle message acceptance off and on.

Every time I talk with another healer about SS we just laugh about how useless and toxic the whole environment is.

pretty stupid


“Man these healers sure are unhappy… lets give them nothing! BOOM massive surge in dollariedoos to out bank accounts” said the team that doesnt even play their own game.

Kennie did a rouge pick pocket your armor

I don’t know what you’re talking about. :dracthyr_tea:

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Yea i guess it didnt happen. God i didnt want a photo of that on my phone anyway

Saw a guy on reddit post that his secret was to actually play the game less.
Just creep up a bit with the weekly MMR inflation and stop queueing until reset.
Sounds lame.

only post in this thread that deserves a second look.

If you queue up you also risk your entire account not just your MMR. Saying something that’s against their stupid social contract.

You queue up and get verbal abuse or try and tell anyone how to not throw your rating down the toilet - you return in kind to the abuse - they report you and your account is permanently banned or suspended, and you will have more to complain about than a - X MMR. I’m sick of playing the game muted/disabling chat because Americans are a bunch of weak gutted dogs.

PVPers should have a different social contract it should say this “Talk :poop: get hit, idiot”.


saw a tweet where someone got banned for those interupt announce addons lol
got it reviewed too and gm said he was spamming so it will stand

need elon to take over wow i guess

If we’re thinking of the same one then support did reply.

“Not exactly. The appeal system will take sample chat from recent reports, unfortunately it is not always the chat that resulted in the penalty. This is more about your guild advertisement whispers. Sorry for the confusion. ~V”


I found it.

That’s crazy. And I haven’t seen any chat log addons lately so that explains a bit. I’m kind of in disbelief what people get suspended for

Yeah, they said it was for their guilt advertising whispers.

Just prune shuffle from the game and problem solves itself

For sure then instead of sitting in RSS ques for 30 minutes people can go back to sitting in LFG for a healer from ragnaros instea also for 30 minutes.

removing RSS will just finish off WoW arena and probably reduce the active pvp population to 50% of what it was prior to RSS.

The issue with healer mmr is that not as many people play it or are required to play it so the ladder for healers inflates much slower. Last I looked healer mmr is about 200 behind dps. the only solution i see… is to remove the max mmr restrition on dps… or at least make it higher… and then use artificial inflation for healers by about 100 mmr. that seems to be about right. 2100 dps in rss is probably about 1900-2k in 2s/3s and a 1800 RSS healer is probably capable of 1900-2k in 2s/3s.

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Why not +200 MMR for healers?

If anything, if we want more healers, we should boost them by +300 MMR. And remove the max MMR restriction on healers.

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