Healing Solo Shuffle

Yeah its so simple bro healers have just been unpopular since…2004 when the game launched! Almost 20 entire years.

Like i said, at some point we have to stop the copium ingestion.

Yeah this already in motion for tanks in PvE and almost every dedicated PvE tank player will tell you they have more fun when they feel like a raid boss healing themselves able to take on the world.

Its not something they can (reasonably) do in the middle of the expansion but they CAN balance RSS around 3 DPS v 3 DPS exclusivity and make tanks + healers ineligible to que it.

Which will further lay the groundwork to having healers removed entirely.

lol‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

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So the plan is:

Dedicated healers —> Semi-dps/support healers —> No healers

:clown_face::clown_face: :clown_face:, it’s almost like 3s and shuffle are two different game modes and not everyone has time to sit in LFG for 40+ mins only to have the group disband after one loss.

Do you tell people playing RBGs or 2s to play 3s instead as well? lol


Fried take, shuffle Q’s require infinitely more “sitting around” time investment than any ladder LFG. It’s not even close.

DPS sitting average of 25-35 minute Q’s and your argument against ladder is that LFG takes too long? Please

Clown take

My queues are instant, just reroll healer :upside_down_face:

I look forward to your constant complaining about instant dampening and not being adequately compensated for Q’ing baby mode arena

No one’s forcing you to comment or read posts about shuffle fam. Hope you get rid of some of that anger stored in you :heart:

You want to contribute or need me to clarity a few more times?

Try out new builds/test different stat distributions/ learn a new spec/just practice their rotation

The moment U start actually caring about shuffle cr is the moment you have lost

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They need increase difficulty of healers increase their rating. If they make it easy, it would be worse. And why?

If healers get higher ranks easily, queues would be faster, but only for a small time. Later, more complicated would be to find healers to games, as all healers would be playing at higher ranks, where just a few DPSs are playing.

Another thing, rating is now, the only reason to play in PvP (the game itself is extremely unfun for healers to play it for love), if blizz give rating for healers that easily, faster would not make any sense keep playing as healers, as they would already have achieved their goals.

They want you, complaning, openning threads on forums bc you win 4 games but still not get any rating. Bc in that way, you at least… Is still playing. And still have healers in the game. Seeking for an “impossible” goal (rating).

you’re on a tirade today bashing anything you don’t like. what’s your issue really though?

you have like a few days worth of games across all your characters this season. why are you so pressed about how other people like the enjoy the game they pay for

Just saw this dude rant in the other thread, now I kinda feel bad for him, he’s clearly not well. :confused:

Because you guys don’t enjoy it. You spam complain about the same issue over and over again out of an ego kneeflex response to your random CR number on pretend ladder mode not being what you think it should be and at a certain point it’s like guys;

for your own sanity take responsibility for what you’re experiencing when you willingly Q pretend arena mode. You know fully what you’re getting yourselves in to and its just like take these posts somewhere else please

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can you imagine playing the game without healers?

6 dps mount into the arena and pop things like wings or abomb limb off mount
ams and sov macrod in

smashing 123123123

winner pounds on chest
losers sulks back to the queue knuckles dragging across the dirt in the tol’viron arena


I can imagine it if the game is rebalanced around it like i said prior.

The game is not currently balanced around 3v3 six dps…

No, he’s not saying to just prune healers and leave things as is, but to sort of retune/rebalance things around lack of healers so everybody is more self-sufficient.

Which…isn’t something they’d do, at least not in this mode.

sincerely doubt they completely recreate the game and every talent in it to exclude healers from participating

that not only seems like a dramatic downgrade in gameplay but a waste of time when they could just fix mmr/rewards for healers

which is why i didn’t read the majority of his post ig


Yeah, exactly. :dracthyr_love_animated:

MMR buff/fix biggest thing, ye. I wonder if they’re even capable of buffing a role MMR.