Healing in WoW - Spell Bloat - Addons

I make mouseover macros. They’re one line macros that I pretty much make a template for.

/use [@player,mod:alt]Chain Heal;[@mouseover,exists]Chain Heal;Chain Heal

Replace “Chain Heal” with your relevant spell. #showtooltip is wholly unnecessary, but I like seeing it most of the time, and control whether tooltips are shown globally or not with another macro anyway.

I’ve seen arena setups where players make macros for each of their partners forgoing the mouseover portion altogether.

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Big true.

Having to turn all my healing/support spells into mouseover macros on every healer, or character with healer-esque utility (like Monk Dispels or Paladin Hands) is annoying as hell.

Thanks for the tip. Never knew about this. I would imagine a new player would have no idea either. If only it was the default. Mouseover for healing abilities in game. Hardcoded in.

Got it. So like 3 spells, but all different ranks of them. Plus, in raid healing which is all there is to do in classic, you cannot waste mana on damage abilities right? Don’t you just wand? So yeah. 3 spells, all 4 ranks of each. Still 2 spells, not 12. just saying lol.

Retail priest? Legit about 20 different spells. Maybe more? It’s one of the most bloated specs in the game, next to resto shaman.

Theyre not “2” spells. 2 spells is greater heal and flash heal, but classic involves down ranking of spells, for Mana conservation. They said a minimum of 1 lesser rank, so for example, those two spells become: greater heal rank 3, greater heal rank 2, flash heal rank 3, flash heal rank 2…that’s 4 buttons and myself, personally, would include 3 different rankings because my Mana management is total crap (it doesn’t seem like I should have lost that ability when I lamented its pruning so rabidly). If you were to use healbot with classic, you’d have 4 slots bound for “2” spells.

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I have to have healium

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I get it. I was just poking fun. It still is technically one spell, just 3 different ranks. I know you would have to bind it 3 separate times. <3

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Well include a smiley or something! I couldn’t tell if being difficult or just not understanding :slight_smile:

The multitude of spell ranks in vanilla was real, since mana management could be incredibly tight, and overheal discipline was a definite focus for many healers.

I would say that learning the Macro, or at least being open to the system could use much more support and encouragement. The primary reason is simply convenience, but also because it condenses the bars for most classes. I fiddle around with it occasionally but am quite happy with the results. The support for modifiers and conditionals is quite handy, such as with my “help/harm:cleanse/purge” macro, which can be adopted for both shaman, priest and mages.

/use [@mouseover,help]Cleanse Spirit;[@mouseover,harm]Purge;[@target,help]Cleanse Spirit;[@target,harm]Purge;Cleanse Spirit

I think the logical conditionals of the base system is relatively easy to pick up for casual players.

There’s also some enticing capabilities that can be gained by going deeper with the with local script support. I haven’t really gone much deeper in-game than using it for fun or when using it to track quest flags. The later capability is largely due to other much more knowledgable scripters who share the macros on fan sites like WoWhead.

Ex: Popping Trinkets, Popping Racial, 2% chance of some RP

/use Berserking(Racial)
/use Ascendance
/use 13
/use 14
/run local s if random()< 0.02 then s="I am the Avatar, and you gotta deal with it!" end SendChatMessage(s,"YELL")

I don’t use healing addons either.

I click on characters’ names and I’ve done +15 keys and mythic/heroic raids.

I only use macros for telling people to stand in efflorescence or that they have innervate.

No, had you even glanced at what I wrote, you’d have noticed that I have listed 24 unique spells.

This is false. Priests smite on easy bosses like Magdamar in MC, Ebonrock and Flamegor in BWL, and on Fankriss in AQ40. Additionally, it is imperative that priests smite on C’thun during his vulnerability phases in order to secure a one-phase kill. Mind control and shackle undead (an ability I forgot to mention in my 24 ability list) are necessary to be used in Naxx during boss fights ( Instructor Razuvious and Kel Thusad, respectively). Also I forgot to mention dispel. So increase the list to 26.

Yes I know. I have a max level priest, haven’t you noticed my avatar? I also have a Classic priest. And I know how to count. The number of keybinds needed is almost identical.


Honestly, the UI and Macro forum’s stickies are an amazing first reference


I mained a healer until BFA (even some in BFA) and I never use addons. I was able to do heroics and middle level keys just fine.

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The solution for this would be to make healers as OP as demon hunters were in BfA. A 2 button steamroller. It would be something like 2 really powerful AoEs. And a hardcore passive that was on all the time. Then they wouldn’t need add-ons. Lol

the only addon you “need” as a healer is DBM
blizzard raid frames are surprisingly good. once you have them set up properly all you need is healing spell macros.

I know with healbot, I am doing things the fastest I can.

I know without healbot, that extra click takes time, while doing dps like catweaving would be initially difficult and require an almost complete rework of how I bind my keys and macros.

That extra click.

Is a big deal.

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The better question is Why would you want to be a healer without using the Healbot AddOn?

It is a single AddOn that can be downloaded from the same place where you normally get your AddOns.

I think it works great. See you in the battlegrounds Noob!

So add lucio to the game?

I’ve never had issues with just mouseover macros and standard frames. It’s like playing whack-a-mole.

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You do have to be looking at the persons frames with the game camera dont you?
Or are you referencing the Raid Frames, and not the bars above their heads?

A frame ui does not require camera swivel.

Raid frames, sorry.

I know other people swear by different UIs, but I’ve always just used the standard one.

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