Healing Hall of Fame (randoms)

Which makes it even more impressive. Next healer was at 9 M.

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Holy smokes lol that was a while ago.

My favorite by far was a 69m healing game though back when numbers were inflated a bit. Bfa i think?


Llama with a big eye if storm daaaaang

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Yep. Every time I saw them in SS v TM, I called out to kill them because they “make me feel like a slacker”. Only died ONE time, that I saw.

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Priesti gets his peels for a reason. :wink:

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i still remember this in BFA, or maybe u did more. im psure it was 37 mil, and i never seen any1 come close to that


I like this thread cause it promotes healing :slight_smile:

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hell yeah, playing with a good healer (or against) is a night and day diff.

especially as a melee… if i have a good healer i can just stay in the fight and do damage constantly.


I appreciate this thread if for no other reason than to encourage me to keep alive my dream of being a decent healer in randoms some day. I’ve been trying, really trying, on my resto druid (well geared for randoms), and it’s just not like it used to be a few years back. The heals feel so weak compared to the burst these days.

I feel like I need to write a three page essay on exactly how I like to play and have some of you pros tell me what healer to really work on. Maybe some day.

Until then, I love the inspiration from this thread. Well done y’all!


Thank you so much!!!

You’re talking to a disc priest that does 0 attonement healing but can still pull 40+ mil healing everygame =)

Play how you like, copying someone elses build is dumb. Just get good at your style and you’ll have tons of success

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Don’t let your resto druid dreams die. Our heals will be good again one day


seething that should not have been winnable

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I’ve matched against you a few times. Put most rdruids to shame.

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Nice job Graril =)

Best healing games are healing stalemate games where the fights go on forever.

Priest had AA. My monk friend was the real top healer there, IMO. The horde priest did a ton of healing as well. :stuck_out_tongue:


Damage will also be very high in this type of game. Alliance KBs are much higher because Horde only had 20 players for a large part of the start of the match (probably queue-syncers not taking the queue because enough of them didn’t get in together), then backfilled with some more solid horde players that stalemated the game.

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234M Ashran. AA is fun.

image.png (1111×683) (discordapp.com)

Deso! I love my elemental shaman and was curious about resto in randoms – got any quick tips, or a streamer that has tips on random bgs? I don’t need everything laid out for me, just a few pointers.

Keep stocked up on Third Wind Potions. They are clutch for healers and I recommend macroing it to your astral shift. I have a lot of stuff on one emergency button. Topping your hp and giving yourself a 12 second 60% wall is extremely effective.

This is my emergency macro. Wild truffle is the consumable from the pvp vendor +20% max hp. This is a recover from near death and be semi immortal while saving a lot of keybinds macro.

/cast astral shift
/use Obsidian Aspirant’s Emblem
/use Wild Truffle
/use Healthstone
/cast Blood Fury(Racial)
/use “Third Wind” Potion

(This goes for everyone) you should keep stocked on dragon fruit and pest foggers to get around the map and knock enemies. This can be more important for a healer to utilize.

Use @player macros to drop certain totems at your feet without having to place them with your mouse. A separate bind to place them at a distance is needed but @player is more reactive.

/cast [@player] spirit link totem


/cast [@player] Earthen Wall Totem

I macro Ancestral Guidance with Spiritwalkers Grace. They are both 2 minute cooldowns and it’s not bad having the ancestral boost while immune to interrupts. If you are better with keybind bloat than me don’t do this.

/cast Ancestral Guidance
/cast Spiritwalker’s Grace

The Chirping Rune weapon enhancement item does not stack with Earthliving Weapon. I have been using the rune and not specing earthliving to free up that talent point elsewhere. The trade off is that earthliving does more healing than rune.

Cloudburst totem for epic bgs. Living Stream for regular bgs (usually). Cloudburst totem can also heal vehicles in epic bgs

Craft precognition first for obvious reasons. Baiting kicks in arena and regular bgs is too important. It is a lot less useful in epics though.

I actually use vuhdo frames with click-to-cast binds in bgs like you would healing in pve. I feel that it makes swapping heal targets very smooth. Also simply used to it after years of pve healing. Pretty bad for arena/SS

Gust of wind is pretty useful in bgs but I think a lot of shamans skip it. Burrow is great for surviving focus in epics but less so in regular bgs as you are less likely to get support. Surprisingly Burrow did not make me drop flag in twin peaks.

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image.png (1178×549) (discordapp.com)

274M Ashran with AA

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

86M WG D

Unfortunately Bri will not be joining us in the forums anymore. It’s not that she is too good for you all (she is) or that she lost interest in you all (she probably did), it’s that she unfortunately argued with one too many sensitive souls and has been permad from the forums.

Please continue to gloat about your high healing games though.