The only reason DPS aren’t getting the same blame for ruining low keys (below 12) is because there’s no direct consequences for being a bad DPS. If you’re utterly incompetent as a DPS, stuff takes a little longer to kill and the remaining 2 DPS, tank, and healer has to pick up the slack and do more damage. Tank failures and healer failures results in wipes and directly wrecked keys. DPS failures doesn’t have any negative
consequences until the end of the run where you risk not timing the dungeon.
Of course tanks and healers are going to contribute more to key failures, as those are the roles with direct responsibilites. A DPS in low keys (again, below 12s) have no direct responsibilites, they’re an extremely forgiving role.
This isn’t a woke forum anymore. Deny someone’s truth - who cares. I’ll tell you this: you’re wrong.
Most healers AND tanks suck; and the majority of you ruin keys. There should be an auto ban penalty for being garbage at the role given its importance. With DPS, you can at least count on mistakes happening but still timing.
Yes. Just because you don’t perceive it that way doesn’t make it any less true. Feel free to name just one DPS check where there’s immediate consequences in a current dungeon.
So, just a hard pill to swallow then. Live in your fantasy world where low key DPS is the most challenging role ever and all tanks/healers are bad I guess.
As someone who healed a lot in the past and wants to going forward… only time I hear anything about healers is someone in PVP who was a mile out of position in a BG. Never in dungeons though.
I saw what happened when the Mercy mains did something similar to a strike in Overwatch years ago when they changed her ultimate ability.
From what I saw, the online equivalence to natural selection is what happens, and it’s very entertaining.
I doubt the majority of people who play healers would ever unilaterally go on strike, but even if they did, I think we’d have enough people who are versatile enough to fill the role that it wouldn’t matter
I’m at 3.1k rating, I think I have fairly good credibility even if I’m not a title range player. What credibility do you possess to make such outrageous claims as DPS having actual DPS checks this season?
The closest we get to a DPS check is Skarmorak, but it’s so minor it doesn’t even need CD’s or 3 DPS to pass. DPS are just along for the free ride whilst tanks and healers do the busy work in low keys.
Who do you think you are? That’s a lot of nerve. Tanks and healers are abject failures at +14 and beyond, objectively.
And it’s a wonder how some of them made it that far in the first place. I don’t respect tanks or healers. Statistically they ruin keys en masse due to incompetence.
DPS mistakes are easily managed by way of personals and not making the same mistake twice. A healer mistake is a group wipe and a dead key. Same for the mistake of a tank.
So you agree with me then. DPS don’t have equal responsibilities as tanks and healers, and their failures aren’t as consequential, making them the easy-mode/carefree role in lower keys. Tanks and healers simply carry more weight on their shoulders.
This would be one of the worst times for them to try that experiment … with people doing the Raid Bosses on Heroic with 0 Healers with those Citrine Gems.
Ultimately, there would always be scabs willing to cross the line.