Healers strike

Ok, so you choose an oppositional position to whoever uses that word and disregard anything else they say.

And that strikes you as a rational position to debate from…

Man, the culture war has really done a number on people.


If you insist. I don’t really believe people care all that deeply. Play your role well and you don’t get grief beyond a rare interaction.

Just build yourself up.

And you don’t think that the standard of.

“If people are crappy to you it’s probably because you suck and you deserve it”

Is an unhealthy standard for the community to have towards players.

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I don’t think that is a unhealthy standard for rl even.

Sure there is the odd person who is cruel pointlessly but people don’t go out of their way unless you are actively a problem to them.

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Ok, when people say toxic, that’s the kind of mentality they are referring to.

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Accountability does frighten people. Self improvement requires time and energy. Blaming others is effortless by comparison.

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I’m not sure where this idea that being a knob to someone is the same thing as holding someone accountable.

They aren’t being held accountable, you’re just being a knob to them.

It just sounds like someone trying to justify their poopy behavior.

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If you have a problem with everyone or people are constantly criticizing you. More often then not you are the problem.

I don’t get why that seems alien to you. Healers who run into toxic players constantly as you put it are likely terrible healers.

Kind of silly, DPS is a much easier role overall, but if you don’t like that, don’t heal. Every healer has good DPS spec options

This could be true, but it’s not what I’m talking about.

I’m not feeling alienated, I’m just trying to understand your thought process because it strikes me as paradoxical.

I didn’t say that I run into toxic players constantly,

You seem to want to hold the people you hurl verbal abuse at responsible for your own behavior.

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Why play a healer if you don’t want to heal? Should us DPS players try to stay out of bad? Yes we should, but sometimes bad happens under us and we have every right to expect you to keep us alive. Otherwise what are you in the content for? It’s definitely not to dps since there are always threads about healers refusing to dps.


Yep. I like healing. I’m decent at it, and have been doing it the majority of my time playing WoW.

Not totally convinced. Of the DPS folks that try healing, the vast majority will be filtered out by getting told off. You claim people shouldn’t care about text being directed their way in a chat box, but that’s the most common reason I’ve seen people give for dropping healing or tanking. Another is the “stress” those roles induce.

I can only speak for myself here. I don’t mind if a group goes fast or slow. I can tolerate folks new to tanking or low DPS. I’m just there to fill health bars. I don’t belittle people for learning.

Not sure what you mean by this. I don’t feel particularly overpowered as Resto.

I’ve seen some toxicity, but ignored it. About all you should do when it arises. Fanning the flames does no one any good. Haven’t really had any directed at me about my healing ability since TBC when I was still learning.

This. To expand and word a little differently, there are good ways and bad ways to deliver criticism. Saying “you suck and should get better” isn’t a good way. People would inevitably focus on the “you suck” bit, and shut down the call to get better. You have to lead with the things they’re doing well, and ease into the stuff they could improve. It’s basic human psychology.

Like a dozen or so people loudly screaming they are on strike whilst the rest of us normal folk continue doing what we do. :slightly_smiling_face:

Honestly, it’s a game. If someone wants to feel better by pitching an online fit, let it out!!! If others have hurts and need the support, have the group. But see it for what it is…kinda weird protest. Heh

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I mean i love wow and i love healing i dont have any real issue. I just thought it was a funny reddit post


This is a lot of the problem/source of the frustration. A lot of mechanics (in M+ especially this season) are just straight up 1 shots or basically impossible to survive without the DPS avoiding them or using defensives if it’s unavoidable. You just can’t keep bad DPS alive through everything anymore, and bad DPS just blames the healer for stuff that was impossible to heal through to begin with

It isn’t that hard… to learn healing I did mage tower then pushed to 2100 in solo queue.

By the time I healed a mythic plus it seemed trivial.

I don’t really think this gets at what that person was saying about accountability.

Mentoring someone isn’t holding them accountable either, accountability implies some sort of ability to impose punishment on a person for a failure to uphold their responsibilities.

I think the person talking about accountability is proposing their behavior is the punishment that the person receiving the berating deserves. Which is just an immature position to hold that serves to excuse their behavior.

The good news… As a healer you can always find another group instantly.

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Definitely agree that weird can be funny!

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Yea i wasnt expecting people to try and flame me honestly kinda funny im 2.8 near 2.9k io healer and have mutliple othet healers near ot at ksm so i obviously dont have a issue with healing.
But it was funny none the less seeing people get angry at me for talking about a reddit post

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