Healers should not be allowed in 2s

I know what your going to say, “get good kid” etc etc. But the fact of the matter is some classes cannot out perform a healer combo. I play beast mastery hunter so if I were to get with any other dps in 2s we are doomed. All the enemy healer has to do it keep their dps alive for 2 secs while they slowly drain my hp. I know this is true because blizzard doesn’t allow healers to be in 2v2 arena skirmish because it is unfair. All the good players know deep down if you get a healer in 2s you will win against most dps comps. And almost every class is super tanky with lost of defenses now. I played healer for the longest and 2s was so brain dead easy against dps. Take hpal for example, give them sac then bop then you pop bubble and heal. By the time thats over your dps killed the war or the hunter. Its so brain dead. If you go look right now in the premades all you see is dps asking for healers. Everyone knows its true. they are unfair to use in 2s against 2 dps. That why when u get past rival 2 all u see in 2s are healers. If you have a healer in 2s you should only play against other duos with a healer. People try to act cool and like it doesnt matter but if you get a good healer and you dont have the right comp your screwed each and every time its so unfair and the reason I quit arenas. Im sure lots of people quit arenas bc of this as well. Without a healer u cant play arena. Playing 2s with no healers would be so much more fun and competitive.


Stupid idea.


You summed it up perfectly


male worgen; didn’t read


Yeah and if you show up at the top of a ski slope with a skateboard you’re also doomed. 2s is meant to be healer/dps except for the handful of double dps comps that work.

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Am I allowed to laugh cause you are playing BM? Or only because you don’t like going against healers?

The number of double DPS teams in the upper ranges and still getting wins is surprisingly not small. Some classes just aren’t meant to be in those kind of comps though.

As an AffLock, there is no way at all that I would ever even consider running without a healer, for so many reasons. BM has durability, you just have to play smarter in a double dps comp. pillar hump, communicate with your teammate to control one of the opposing players at pivotal points. Or, if you really feel like you can’t make the climb as double deeps… find yourself a healer?

2’s would be even more grossly imbalanced and gate-kept if healers were taken out of the pool.

One of the reasons why I haven’t queued 2s all xpac is because double dps has been so bad. healer/dps is dreadfully boring.

Like oh wow, you can play warrior/rdruid 8 hours a day, congrats!


Playing 2s with no healers means that Rets, Rogue and other classes that have good self sustain or control would destroy it.

You replace one problem with another.

Do people even reflect before making posts. I swear half the people that post recommendations on this forum sniff paint fumes first.


if you aren’t sniffing things before posting (maybe not huffing chemicals but still) you aren’t really living

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Didnt read a thing.

I agree
2s is the most fun as double dps. Healer dps is just a good 50% better than double dps just by existing.

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Not reading all that but regarding the title, no.

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https:/ /tenor.com/view/imostergolfra-gif-25274972

On fone :angry:

A BM hunter using the term ‘brain dead’ to voice his opinions on removing healers from the 2v2 bracket. Just like Sylvanas in SL, we’ve cracked the ceiling on this one boys.

So where does that put healers? Exclude them from a whole bracket? Instead of thinking me me me barb shot kill command barb shot kill command, think how this will affect others.

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theyre some double dps that really better than heal/dps you just have to play the good comp but if you got no skill and play like dumb obviously your not going to win, Arena is a strategic game mode without brain skill you cannot win

Healers have been keeping me down for a while. I think this would be a great idea! :smiling_face:

I feel you. I had one of my arms surgically removed for the hell of it, prior to starting a professional boxing career. After my first fight I made a stern complaint to the boxing commission that people with two arms make the sport unfair.

They asked me why I would have an arm removed electively then try to become a boxer. I told them that they can’t control how I like to have fun, and they had the nerve to suggest that the world doesn’t follow suit with my preferences, and that change is instead typically born of necessity. Can you believe it!?

Best of luck on your healer witch hunt.

I also agree.

Should remove WoG and LoH from Ret. What are ya, a healer or somethin’?


This thread is unofficially closed. Well done, Doors hahahaha

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Thats why you have partners.

Its a learning situation. Healers have lost games to double dps since the dawn of time.

I think double dps started out meta for the majority of early arena and only slowly became less popular.

Prbably can play with Ret, Feral, Rogue, enhance to a degree of success.

You’re the only one stopping yourself from playign better and winning some games.

Well said, gramps!

“You think you do, but you don’t”.

So many people are either unable or unwilling to look at the game as a whole outside of their unique class/frustrations.