Healers should not be allowed in 2s

yea buddy healing is cheating

Another 1 of these terrible takes by a clueless player.

Should have known it was a BM hunter. Kiddie proof spec.

Maybe not eliminate it but instead create a 2 v 2 que that’s a “no healers allowed” bracket. I get the frustration, but the group with a healer doesn’t always win. There are some wicked dps only comps.

Double dps should be removed if anything.

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Saying double dps js strong because rogue mage exists is very unfair to the other specs that wont work together. Even “hybrids” with pure damage dealers dont have enough sustain to make a dent on a dps and their healer sittin three screens away behind a pillar.

people just have no idea how the game works.

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i think healer shouldnt be paired against pure dps comps feel like they should be separated . Healers are balanced around 3’s . healer dps > dps , dps plain and simple.

You know what, nvm.


Because splitting the player base even more is a great idea. lol
Healers in 2s is fine

Then don’t play comps with no synergy if you can’t handle losing. You don’t deserve free rating for making poor decisions.