Healers not doing damage again

Mana management was certainly harder as a healer… lol
(Trust me, Classic Shaman raiding is why I don’t ever heal anymore.)

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Yea it was but the game as a whole is so much harder now than it was then.

It just makes me laugh how people were hyping it up pre classic and then it got 1 shot by people that were not even max level yet lol

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If you want healers to do damage, stay out of the fire. The tank is the easiest one to heal and as soon as the healer notice the healing pattern they can use the downtime to deal some damage.


Not exactly fair to compare the ease of something that has been studied for 15-17 years against something that’s been up for a couple a months.

The difficulty in classic was the race against time before healers ran out of mana, while also not ripping threat from the tank… (two concerns that aren’t exactly on the radar these days.)

Pretty sure Danathrius could be oneshot if people had 15 years to break it down before we got to him.

I don’t know if I would say Retail is harder. It’s just more fight mechanics instead of game mechanics.

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Yeah you’re right, I shouldn’t cast Frenzied Regeneration as a tank or use any other similar healing cooldowns to stay alive. Not my job, didn’t sign up to heal :man_shrugging:


Yea it’s not the same but I guarantee that in 17 years time no one will be 1 shorting the jailer on mythic with half a raid of level 58s wearing questing greens.

The raw health pool just wouldn’t be big enough to survive basic healing mechanics and the damage output would be too low to beat dps checks.


Gotta admit the add-ons today can almost play the game for you. Even Ion admitted how easy the Blood Queen Lanathel fight will be in Classic Wrath just because of Weak Auras

Considering there wasn’t a Mythic Rag or even a Heroic Kel’thuzad, kind of a shoddy comparison.

Retail has some hard modes added on, such a M+ dungeons and Mythic raiding… but retail itself isn’t harder than Classic, in normal modes, it’s arguably a hell of a lot easier.



WA definitely kinda take the raiding out of raiding in a lot of ways.

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Hit me with another joke.

You might as well start your own post since you obviously didn’t read the topic of this one…“bro”.

Shows what you know about now. Never said I was pro, said I was a team player. Guess that is what happens when:

Actually comprehending the type on the page is difficult for you I suppose. Eh, so be it.

that is incorrect - it was the leading metric between tiers 4 and 10ish.


Unless you are doing harder content like mythic idc if the healer does damage or not. If we are taking things down and not struggling, it’s whatever. Usually if that is the case it’s a dps problem anyway


another joke:

“Normal dungeons/raids in Retail WoW”
Bonus joke: The storytelling of retail wow.


Yeah… no.

Back in the day mana did not grow on trees. One extra heal when everyone was spent/nearly spent could mean the difference between going to bed happy because the progression boss was dead, or frustrated because it was close but not close enough.


Oh I agree it’s probably easier than normal (which is a joke). But the talk before any classic came out was about how hard it would be taking wipes etc to kill bosses.

Idk I just find the people saying classic raiding is this big challenge to be entertaining.

Oh Good, another one of these threads. What has it been, 30 minutes?


29 mins too many!


Its not the healers fault if the rogue in the group does not understand how to do dps. Which far as know it is move your face over the 1-6 keys and slam your face onto the keyboard over and over = dps.

Don’t feel bad, they don’t heal much either op lol. Especially in lfr :rofl: