Healers in Warmode are completely invincible

Healers in Warmode are completely invincible

They need to dampen the heals in world PVP.


Even with 3+ on a priest/monk in BGs you can’t kill em and they never go oom.


u can ask for healer nerf after ALL relevant DD specs have been nerfed in PvP

There shouldn’t be any dampening mechanic in the game so that’s a hard no. Keep that lame stuff in Arena.

They aren’t but you realize they are supposed to be durable right. Both Tanks and Healers are supposed to be able to deal with multiple Dps on them.

WPvP is more about X shouldn’t attack Y. Maybe don’t try to solo a healer. If you are stealth you get to prey on ideal targets and Tanks like Prot get to devour anyone that attacks them. These are the rules of engagement.

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They aren’t invincible but yes they are strong. Fought a discipline priest the other day and of course I couldn’t solo her but I could stay on her until she oom’d. She kept trying to fear + Shadow Meld to get away but I always stopped her shortly after.

I only stayed on her as long as I did since she attacked first. Oom’d her and she ended up taking a follower dungeon to escape and later when I saw her again it was the same interaction and she went on to I was griefing / harassing her for fighting her for 10 minutes. :dracthyr_shrug:

I think you should add “Good” to the title. So it should look like this:

Good Healers in Warmode are Completely Invincible.

I know this because when I am a healer, I die a lot. Sometimes I can run away, but mostly, I die gloriously. I’ve noticed other healers, I want to call them “good” healers, do not. So there are differences. Maybe this applies to dps as well, because I die when I play dps too. Maybe this tells me something about my pvp game? /scratchesChin…Maybe.

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I just held a supply crate down as Prot War for 4 mins against 5 people till help showed up. Was a feral, war, dh, evoker and mage. I bet they were real salty and to them I probably felt invincible. It’s WPvP and some classes should be fine 1v5.

The bad ones are nice and mushy.

No, you did not.

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Yea actually I did. Prot is actually Raid boss in WPvP right now. I can fight a Fury warrior and stay at full HP the whole time. Sometimes Ferals make a mistake and open on me and they regret it. Sometimes I don’t fight back right away so at least they feel like they are doing something. Then I say bad kitty!

You clearly don’t undertand how the new Tank design for PvE was huge PvP buffs. I love 4 million ignore pain absorbs. Good luck. I have defensives for days after that.

Just so we are clear…If I’m at full HP and have full Ignore pain up and you hit me for 8 million damage. I still will have 10 million HP left. You scratched me congrats.

Even if a Mage could do 2 mil damage Ice lances and if i just stood there and didn’t attack or use any defensives except ignore pain. It would take the mage 15 Ice Lances to get me down to where my cheat death procs. Which I can’t be killed through no matter how many people are on me. (Second wind return with my tool kit is a great time to be alive)

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Its about time healers were op

They should be they are healers

It should take 2-3 Dps to kill a healer in WPvP. It should take 3-5 Dps to kill a Tank in WPvP. This is what you call perfect balance.

I’m glad to finally not be completely gimp in WPvP.

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This is what the players wanted.

"Nuuu don’t nerff healersszzz I need them to correct my bad playzzz :sob: "

No thanks.

Then you’re doing something wrong.

This. Dampening is an Arena mechanic designed to ensure that games end. It has no place anywhere else.

As a Tank in WPVP, this is quite possible. I used to main a Guardian Druid. Could tank a raid. I even got the Alliance Slayer title on it (got bounty and killed 10 Alliance without dying).

MW could use a bit more damage, IMO.


No healers don’t need nerfing. Nerf all the one-3 shot players. Also get rid of the stupid timer limits on respawn.

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In Abomb’s case, it’s not true. He is a known contrarian troll and has been doing his thing on the forums for years.

If this helps you sleep at night. Doesn’t change the facts that I laid out for you. I’ve even posted screen shots in other threads of doing 700+ mil healing in AV and putting up tons of KBs.

I have never trolled. This word is overused. Disagreement that is on topic isn’t trolling. It’s always amusing when people don’t agree they disregard all information and label it.

Was fighting a pres evoker with a bounty at a pvp world quest and itwas myself, 2 warriors and a shaman. This guy took 2 minutes to kill with all four of us attacking/stunning/interrupting him.

It was only when he finally went oom that we killed him.