Healers getting kicks back

Looks to me in the new talent tree picture that rdruid is able to select skull bash for its utility. I’m assuming other healers will be able to do the same. Very interesting


Casting is already annoying in this game with the amount of stops people have. I know some people are excited for it, I’ll wait to see what gets pruned before I welcome more interrupts in the game.


This really isn’t that awesome. There is still going to be a meta that everyone will use. I don’t see the point in converting back to vanilla

WOOOOOO rdruid skull bashhhhhhh holy pally rebuke!!! Or even holy pally with blanket silence omgomomgomgomg

This talent system has great potential into giving alot of class utility back and certain specs are really gonna benefit from this.

Gonna have to see how its implemented though and they’re gonna have to avoid things like useless paths. Like if you have to give up 20% healing to take skull bash then its really just not ever gonna be worth it


Im curious if we can change talents before arena like currently or if u will be locked into your talents like pre mop

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I think they mentioned something about being able to save different builds, so id guess you could change in arena, but I dont think they’ve said explicitly yet.

Wonder if that’ll also mean feral/dps specs get limited in their base utility


You prob lose out on rake/maim which is something i guess

holinka specifically talked about this, saying that an rdruid with an aggressive playstyle could spec into a kick while giving up a defensive ability


Think of it like stat templates.

Mop talents were talent templates. They took all if the little decisions and removed them assuming they knew best and that there was only one correct path; that people only needed or wanted the big choices.

Returning to talent trees, potentially opens up more character freedom.

Imo the freedom to make more choices will always be better, even if 90% will just copy the ladder.


Thank God, do you know how many times I’m waiting for my arena partner to interrupt but they are just oogaoggaing all around the map not giving a crap about interrupt, finally I can control all aspects.

Kitty cleave with rdruid is back in the meta!

If they put interrupts on DR then it is totally fine.


Fried take.

Would be interesting to see if some dps cam pass on their kick now though for more in another area


I think this is good. The more things I can choose from the better


imagine trying to cast into an hpal unholy tsg

UNLESS its setup so we have to choose between things we have baseline currently

like choosing between decurse and hex or something

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That’s what the mop talents started in the first place so it’s really just full circle if so.

I’m okay with this, actually adds a skill gap to healers instead of staying 40 yards pressing instant casts.

I don’t think anyone ever had an issue with healers having kicks, and it was just pruned because blizzkekw. I’d any day rather Deathlobsta come back running at me popping wings + bubble in the first 30 seconds to shockadin me + kick me off CD if it meant healers had a very large skill gap.


Iirc people complained non stop about hpal kick in particular for some reason.

Ou and priests complained because we didn’t get one. Think disc had 2s silence tho.

Never made sense to me why MW lost theirs since they were introduced to the game with one, unless they still have one honestly i never see them. But rsham needs identity so I don’t really mind.

That being said I don’t think kicks are the be all end all of healer skill gaps. Thry just add complexity.

If there is a fair trade off for healers getting kicks I’m all for it.