Healers getting kicks back

-Healers getting kicks back is fine. As long as they are hard to play and dps isn’t retard mode either (which is it right now).

-If game has high burst more CC is extremely well come addition. Also raises the skillcap.

-Mistakes needs to be way more punishing. Maybe even return resource management for PvP.

-And tone down slows and uptime.

I’m curious how they’d differentiate between baseline abilities and the ones that are going to be selectable on talent trees.

Does this mean we get a very small list of abilities in our spellbook and have to basically choose the remaining from the trees? I’m happy that we are getting a ton of flexibility with the re-introduction of trees, but I’m also very worried that if this isn’t structured correctly, we might be seeing a lot of gaps and dysfunctional qualities which emerge in terms of playstyle.

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You ever follow a dying target behind a pillar for dat game winning kick but then realize u play a holy pala

Hopefully this means rdruids // druids in general will get other pseudo interrupts pruned.

An rdruid with bash incap rake stun maim cyclone can already be as disruptive as they want. I assume based on that tree that maim is at least a potential option but maybe at least removing incapacitating roar would be a good move

Good point. Talent tree img with square Icons are active abilities so having stuff like Rejuv as a talent is pretty strange

I’m imagining a world where Ret can spec into holy shock for some added ranged dps. Maybe we even get the option to switch BoP to magical BoP like Prot has access to… Mmm so juicy.

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Didn’t realize rets used melee abilities til Vanq Hammer became popular

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Well I hope it is good then.

I just wonder where they are going to get their token money from.

Maybe crafting reagents or something.

Farming like ma an pa used to


With this teeny tiny detail in mind I will profess now and from here on out that Dragonflight is trash. Thanks gals.