Healers are way overtuned

Just what the title says. Im not gonna go into a super long winded explanation but the shear amount of healing and mitigation healers can do is insane. It takes about 5 players to kill a solo healer whos fully pvp geared. The amount of times ive popped my big burtsy CD’s and done tons of damage but their health doesnt move is insane. I dont wanna say they should be nerfed into the ground but the numbers they can output while getting smacked by multiple players in WILD.
Edit: I do want to acknowledge that maybe this will change when the season is released and conq gear makes it into the fold but i wanted to bring this to attention.


Hopefully conq gear smooths things out a bit because right now health bars are yoyoing up and down like mad.

As much as a healer can seem immune to damage you can also blow someone up in like 4 seconds too.


Healers aren’t over tuned. Good players are blowing them up all game long


I mean maybe some top end players but definitely not in ANY of the BGs ive played. Ive yet to see a fully geared healer that couldnt sustain themselves under pressure of 1-3 players without issue for minutes at a time solo.


bro imagine if healers just flopped because u dps them good

screw that, im sorry but screw that

who would wanna play healer if that was the case?

setup a little cc mane, and stop trying to kill me thru rapture.

cant tell u how many times i pop rapture and i have 4-5 ppl just sitting there trying to kill me, when the real play is just cyclone/stun me and destroy my partner.

people just dont wanna think during combst i guess


Stun chains, ints, and any CC ive got is piled onto the healer. Maybe youve gotten lucky?? idk. Everyones got a counter for something right now and i do love the overall balance but healers seem like 5% overtuned. Again im not talking about a massive nerf or anything but the numbers are a bit high and the mitigation to curb CC’s mixing with that insane healing is creating a bad meta of healers steamrolling.

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Healers die in globals. I f you don’t know how to set that up…you’re gonna have a bad day. But healers aren’t op. They are strong but that’s because there’s no conq or tier sets

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Sorry but in like 50 BGs so far (maybe more) ive NEVER seen it. Like you said though maybe itll even out with conq gear

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Every game I’m watching healers including me die. Good players go straight for me at at every team fight. They know how to stress me out, put my heal focus on myself, global me and eventually west me down and die. I just played three games random bgs. And I tipped heals in all thre games. Not bragging just saying….i died twice in the first game three times in the second and three times in the third game. I win two out of three games. There are players that know how to kill healers. And there and players that don’t.


The DPS brain doesn’t think so they don’t see a problem with that.

Healing doesn’t have a win condition, but DPS does.

All I can do as a healer is not lose. If simply dealing damage with a 3 button rotation is enough for DPS to win and cause me to lose, then healing becomes a truly lose-lose endeavor and no one will play it and PvP will collapse.

We skirted around that occurance in shuffle in DF with healer MMR and dampening and healer balance resulting in healers having little to no impact on the outcome of games.

Hot take: I think this fundamental issue is what will kill shuffle in TWW because now Blitz offers an alternative game mode that doesn’t have dampening and allows for healers to play objectives to win. I also think that difference is what makes Blitz the superior game mode. 16/16 players can affect the outcome of a game in Blitz as opposed to 4/6 in shuffle.

Shuffle/Arena will always have die hard fans but the vast majority of healers aren’t going to be logging in to play a game mode that literally removes their ability to affect the outcome of games. I know I won’t be. That’s one healer who usually racks up a dozen saddles each expac in Arena/Shuffle that won’t be facilitating 4 DPS being able to play Arenas or Shuffle ever again.

Dampening is an abomination but I don’t think Blizzard have the will or ability to fix it. Once healers become scarce, queue’s balloon to 30-90 minutes like we saw in DF and DPS lose interest. Game mode dies.


Oh, please…
You can’t even global a scaled up quest gear player right now.
You are doing something wrong if you are running random BGs flopping on a disc right now.

It takes an army and a full DR CC chain to kill a halfway decent healer in a BG.

Why are you always losing?


Wanna Que up with me?
You wanna run your mouth come let’s que up princess I wanna see how good you are

Hpriest, Hpal, Rdruid and Rsham all die routinely in BG’s without much fuss. They are also the healers that can be most easily overwhelmed.

Good Discs, Pres and Mistweavers are unkillable God’s to average BG andy DPS. They can’t be overwhelmed or brute forced down and they can be very slippery.

Some good players on average specs just aren’t that threatening. Spriests, Mages, Warlocks, Rets, etc just aren’t scary, no matter how well they play.

But in every dozen or so BG’s there will be one chad. One good MM hunter or DK or Warrior or WW who can either completly shut me down and make me heal just myself and play in full survival mode or outright kills me. They’re rare though.

Until you are or see the Warrior who charges onto a healer in every engagement and crits Onslaught for 2m; you might think healers are OP but the reality is you’re just not that threatening or not playing a spec that is.

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Honestly it’s happened to a healer I’ve been attacking but remember we rely on them to make a mistake, dampening or a teammates kick.

If you both play flawlessly then why would 1 win over the other? You can say your teams are using their rotation well, or are kicking.

For me when I’m on spriest I line up my stun, into silence into the pet that channels reduced healing more than other healing debuffs and it mostly works.

sorry to tell you dude, but you gotta get better. as a healer, i can tell who is good and who are just trying to brainless zug me.

i’ve been global’d many times, good fury warrior is probably the strongest healer killer in the game.


I play healers and this is nonsense. I am a raid boss.

Unorganized pugs have zero chance of downing me. Stuns/cc get broken/go on DR, or a fellow healer dispels me.

If healers are going to be tanky to the point of “you should never solo a healer” then mana should burn faster.

Its a team game, your teammates should be peeling for you due to fragility. Instead you are basically a one man army who needs no one


also gotta keep in mind that when you see multiple people trying to take down a single healer, that healer is killing none of them, and also mostly just healing himself to stay alive like that.

A warrior with tremendous damage and great if not best in game MS can say they feel this way because CC exists and melee recieve plenty of it. But most healers have a natural enemy if not a straight up counter. Being melee is not as easy as some people think however.

Druid can have many HoTs removed, Priests get killed by physical damage quick enough and abducted by DKs, Preservation as durable as it is, spends a lot of time in the melee brawl, MW doesnt output healing like it once did but cacoon is a strong defensive. Resto Shaman have a good disruption tool kit, maybe a bit weak on defensives compared to other healers.

If killing a healer must be done, silences, MS, knockbacks off cliffs, hard CC, and actual teamwork must be used. 1vs1 a healer isn’t suppose to die quickly.

Also keep in mind that 95% of DPS players get hard gapped every single BG and chalk it up to “premade” to save their ego.

That is to say; the Warrior doing 100m damage in the opening teamfight isn’t complaining that healers are unkillable but the Warrior in the same BG doing 10m damage is.

There are no bad healers like there are bad DPS. Bad healers quit or turn to PvE or reroll DPS. They don’t last long. They either get good or stop healing. Whereas most bad DPS don’t even know they’re bad.

That’s because the Warrior doing 10m damage in the opening teamfight isn’t being pressured, tested and immediately and severely punished for their mistakes, but the healers in that teamfight are. If that Warrior is doing 10m damage because they forgot to use a major CD or hit the wrong targets or trinketed air and sat CC, they won’t even know they’re playing poorly. But the healer that makes similar mistakes is dead instantly.

So healers tend to be the sharper blade, so to speak. They either perform well or die quickly. So in BG’s we tend to see many average Joe DPS who don’t have kick bound and didn’t press their major offensive CD or blew it into a defensive CD, beating on the healer who isn’t making similar mistakes. Then those DPS complain that the healer is unkillable but it’s really just a skill diff.


Yeah I would wait for a bit and see if they tune this if it’s an issue. It’s a bit early in the expansion yet.