Healers are OP

Hey man.

Holy paladin here.

Still haven’t had a chance to queue much, I think I’m 50/50 in 3v3.

In 3v, sometimes gangsters can drop me in a stun, I think they know which of my cool downs to watch for and they know once I don’t have them I’m much less of a yeezus.

Some games, much longer and we play which healers mana bar will run out first, usually we try to do swaps and stuff, try get the win a bit quicker.

In BGs I can tank a couple lesser geared people but if two geared horde decide it’s my time, it often is my time.

The best tip I could give you from a healer POV is - constant pressure, apply constant pressure. When I’m struggling to stay alive it’s often a good player using every single GCD and applying as much constant pressure as they can.

And hey, if not bro… holy paladins fun, can’t beat em join em :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh bro btw, make a macro that shouts your current target and let’s everyone know who the healer is - once you start doing this in BGs you’ll feel like a four star general nuking healers.

I agree, but a no fire mage option as well =)

nerfing and tuning are two different things. Im not trying to defend balance druids and say they aren’t in a good spot. Im saying they are in an even better spot because so many other specs of classes are in a terrible spot. No you shouldn’t be able to pool 3 star surges for 15k each but outside of that they have gimped the class to do trash damage comparatively.

Its damage that needs to be tuned around the kit and less around windows you cant avoid. Very much like how fire mages play… doing nothing outside of combust then blasting someone with damage you cant interrupt. Balance druids suffer from the same thing. Going Kyrian and pressing a rotation of like 7 uninterruptable damage buttons that are instant cast is stupid. The damage should be balanced from that and brought into the other windows of gameplay.

They’ll feel a lot better in 2s after the incoming changes on Tuesday.

Nerfing Dampening before leaving the office for a 2-month holiday was a pretty bad oversight.

The game is based around large battles not 3’s. That is why Arena is always impossible to balance and we have dampening because it doesn’t work in an MMORPG format. Where healers are supposed to heal large teams/raids.

Rather they get rid of Arena and focus on the real balance of the game which is BGs, Brawls, Raids, WPvP etc.

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pls stop talking . IS that why they are meta rn and every team stacks multiple because of their insane starsurge crits and “was” convoke . Now its just for 22k+ starsurges . They are beyond fotm rn still even after convoke nerfs i dont even want to hear it . Nope :roll_eyes:

the devs have stated themselves its around 3s

mostly because the devs are clueless on what actually needs fixing .

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Holy paladin and Discipline priest could get a small nerf.

I don’t know what rating you’re playing at, but at 1900CR usually playing around 2100MMR, if I have zero peels I can get deleted pretty quickly, especially if my BoP gets dispelled. I’m a fairly geared Holy Paladin, for reference.

I still have to pop CD’s for good Rogues, etc. I’m far from invincible.

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You are out of your freaking mind. The second I walk onto a BG, I’m targeted by the entire team. What do you hear at every starting gate? “Target the healers”

You need to go play a healer in a BG, as is it’s pretty obvious you’ve never done it. Best of luck. This meta, with its idiotic burst is the worst it’s been since trinket mages. Trying to heal it is a garbage experience.

You’re mad because you couldn’t solo a healer I’m guessing…well, here’s some news, if you could, they would be completely worthless. Unfortunately, there are plenty of classes that can solo a healer, but it’s rarely the case you are getting attacked by only one person. Typical BG experience for a healer, is you have minimum of RET/ARMS/MM on you the second you’re in range, which is instant death. When I say instant death that’s not hyperbole. Last RBG I was in I got hit for an 18k aimed shot, and a 13k shadow strike at the same time, deleted.

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You no longer need to peel for them, as they’re pretty much tanks.

So much this.

Uhhhhggg… You are wrong and are missing the point of my post. Read it again…

This is how Healers are designed. Same with Tanks, it’s large scale combat. Then you have to try and drastically change their original design for small scale PvP combat and this is why it is nigh impossible. This is why there is dampening and Tanks take 50% extra damage.

It’s because these Classes are designed for large scale combat in this game, always have been and always will be.

While that is true Arena doesn’t work for classes that are designed for Large scale combat like Raids. That is why you need to have so many PvP alterations because it’s nigh impossible to change the original design so much to work for Arena.

It would be better if they just embrace what this game is and focus on competitive PvP that is objective based on large teams. Then you don’t need dampening and to jump thru hoops in order to try the impossible of making 3v3 work.

3’s Arena doesn’t work and never will because the class design has never worked that way. If it did work then we wouldn’t need dampening or Tanks to take extra damage. However Tanks are supposed to tank 3-4 Dps and Healers are supposed to Heal through 3-4 Dps. That is their designed roll for large scale combat. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

nah im right prove me where im wrong then pics? dev quotes?

you obviously have never played arena LOL you cant be serious

noooooooooooooooo LOOOL , you need dampening in arenas because otherwise tanks and heals could cheese the match and never die ! RBGS dont have dampening so your whole point is mute .

I’m glad your are not designing the game , my god .

Exactly you proved my point, class design in the game is designed around large scale combat and in order to make small scale combat work they added these systems. The classes aren’t designed for small scale combat so you have to severely throttle them back.

Sure I have, not sure why you say this. I believe brawls and objective based PvP is far better suited for competitive PvP in an RPG game. It works better since the classes are designed around larger objective based gameplay.

You can’t be this dense and still aren’t listening. The classes in this “GAME” key word “GAME” are designed for large scale combat. This is a “PvE game” and classes are designed for RAIDS. Classes aren’t designed for PvP :man_facepalming: The balance team then “tries” key word “tries” to take classes designed for large scale Combat/Raids and balance it for Arena Esports which has never worked despite their best efforts of dampening, scaling, PvP auras etc…Get it? Good :rofl:

I’m not even amused at your lack of understanding what I’m saying anymore. I understand what you are saying now please try to understand the base discussion. It doesn’t matter what the balance team balances PvP around since the class design is based on large scale Combat/Raids since it’s a PvE game. It isn’t complicated. :smirk:

So the best most balanced PvP would be PvP that focuses on large scale Combat/Raids since that is what the classes are designed for. This would create far easier PvP balance embracing the natural design of the classes for competitive play. I think at least 6v6 objective based PvP is required and anything smaller just doesn’t work because you need dampening etc… since classes aren’t designed for small scale 3v3 combat since this is a PvE game that focuses class design on “LARGE BATTLES/RAIDS”

Can’t be any more clear on this, Class design and Balance are 2 totally different things. Good luck.

10 enh shams with crit totems

They’re hard to kill, for sure, but I think the idea right now is to CC them, not kill them. At least not as a primary target. I feel like I do fine. Scatter shot, Freezing trap, Explosive trap and bursting shot for a sneaky interrupt and to move them out of range of their targets. I alone do enough heckling on one healer to make their job a pain.

I also think having to do this makes PvP more dynamic. It’s more than just WHO CAN SMASH THE HARDEST AND FASTEST. It’s about who can utilize their utilizy and cc skills properly.

nah i didnt prove your point , i proved why you are wrong tho .

you have to be trolling if you think brawls are good balance those things are a joke , they wont ever balance around objective teamplay since they balance pvp around 3s .

nah im not dumb thank you , you seem to misunderstand that the game is balanced around 3s period . You claimed earlier that it wasnt but it indeed is and that is that . You also claimed that earlier arenas should have 0 dampening and seem to not grasp the simple concept that is has nothing to do with 10_ man class balance for 10m + bgs . Arenas need dampening or the match will go on forever , its really quite simple .

You can sit there in your echo chamber and write novels all day and win a noble peace prize but at the end of the day you have about as much knowledge to balance this game as blizz has so far .

disc healing is op

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Bruh… you straight up just picked half the sentence lol… I said I’m not denying they are in a good spot right now. Good spot would actually be understatement. They need to move some of the damage from star surge into the other parts of the kit!
Did you just stop reading after you looked at one fragment of one sentence?

Healers are not God’s in battlegrounds. A good mage can global and three shot me, a rogue can stun me out and kill me with ease… So many classes can pump me into the ground.
This is such a useless thread. The same old same old… I have mediocre gear and healers should just lay down for a nap if I even look at them…
Skilled pvp players never have and will never complain about how hard it is to kill healers…because they know how. I was in a 2k+ rated bg the other day. A mage in etos would literally hunt me down, global me and kill me in three shots. I whispered him after and said gg. He said thanks I Iove hunting down disc priests and killing them.
Join an rbg community and learn to kill healers from ranked players. Ez pz. Problem is… Majority don’t. They want the healers to just get nerfed and fall over deal… And it never happens. Roll a healer. See how “God-like” you are when a dk grips and rips your face off