Healers are OP

Healers should be healers not dps, if we cant kill them just control them. Just like dps should not have huge healing capability.


The team needs to protect their healers, the healer should not be able to run around with reckless abandon able to tank 3 players because… reasons…

As a Warrior I agree with that! I am the only class in the game that cannot heal.

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You just have to learn when to dps n when to make us go oom

But you can stun every 5 sec with stormbolt and just bladestorm away I don’t even wanna hear it .

lol 5 secs… Bladestorm does decent damage but its not killing anyone unless they are already at like 10%

Yeah… I don’t think making a healer go oom is in the cards, bud. In vanilla healers do go oom. In retail, nah. Not really a thing. You’re just so used to being completely broken op that you don’t even notice it anymore.

this is why battlegrounds are best with no healers on either team everyones happy to respawn every 30 seconds to come back with a new bg tactic in mind instead of just thinking to oneself “If i had heals this would be different.”


Balance druids don’t need to be nerfed. Convoke as an ability needs to be removed. There will never be a moment casting 16 spells in 4 seconds will be balanced. It’s compounding by the fact that every other covenant ability is bad or boring to use for druids.

Don’t get me wrong. Convoke is so easy to play around ( minus the small chance at you getting full mooned on the start of the cast… that is utter garbage ) if you haven’t learned how to deal with convoke outside of 2v2 yet. I dunno what to say.

But letting a convoke go of fully should not have the impact it does. It’s just as bad as fire mages casting greater pyros into combust burst though. Both are way too strong and punishing to players who are caught out.

The real brokenness from convoke for balance is from celestial alignment giving 50% damage with the legendary giving 80% crit. That’s why you see people flop!

I refuse to believe a Mage calling healers OPs is anything but sarcastic bait. You can’t change my mind.


Perhaps an injury from smashing their head on the keybind for G Pyro during BFA is the reason.


How can anyone say healers are OP at the moment? The burst right now is insane, you can delete a healer while they are stunned.

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Typical warrior I’m not dumb I know it does no dmg but it’s a cc an annoyance.

O pls save it 15k starsurges and other stuff ZZZZZZZZZZZ it’s not just convoke only pls stop your broken class needs to be nerfed . Period. Idc what your reasoning trying to defend how broken the class is . There is a reason your spec is meta rn and it’s not because of convoke :clown_face::roll_eyes:

Exactly. Healers have been nerfed so hard since Shadowlands launch. We lost the all that tankiness in 8.3.

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meanwhile rogues 100-0 me in a single stunlock… yeah im op alright. thanks blizz.

Only OP healer is hpaly

Because healing is designed so that people who are Zugzug brained can play them without getting peeled by the DPS like what should be happening but does not happen because Zugzug brains are way too zugzug to realize the healer is getting zugd, and effectively do nothing to help.

Thus Blizzard tuned healers to face tank without any real skill a single DPS who’s of a decent level of play even if the healer is actually trash.

Result: Healers are more powerful than a single DPS, this is the unfortunate situation of building a game with a specific healing role where the game is deigned around the lowest possible common denominator, and players who’s attitude is often soft and weak.

Literally the only time when healing was reasonably balanced for PVP, and actually FUN to do as a healer were very few and far in between, basically any time period when you can not face-tank a single DPS and it actually requires you play better to survive and do your job.

The long and short, healing is made to be this way because players are crap.

Vanilla and TBC were like this, healers could and would die to single DPS unless they were Disc.

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Yeah TBC’s PVP was actually very good, it did have problems but overall much more enjoyable than the endless manapool inbred derpfest its become since.