The extremely temporary ring makes it possible for good players to use weird comps… AGAIN.
People freak out over this every time it happens and it gets dumber each cycle. You should know the drill by now. Besides, healers are already quite aware how much a grudge Blizz has against passive/smart healing being worth anything at all. There is zero chance of this thing replacing healers on the RWF.
I wonder why. Could it be the unrealistic expectation from the WoW Community? I have a baby pally and monk tank that I’ve been itching to play with.
I’ve been watching Quazii WoW guides for BM/Pally tanking along with addons. I’ve been “tanking” level 8 solo delves to get my rotation down. Moved to follower dungeon for group simulation. Then ran through some TW last night.
People said I did fairly well. Will be trying Mythic 0 this weekend if my nerves hold up. I shouldn’t feel like being that it’s only a game, but I’m well aware of how failure is treated though.
Assuming the group is competent, a healer’s usefulness is always inversely proportional to the length of time content goes on. As people gear up and become more familiar with mechanics, you won’t need as many healers.
Healing has a definite ceiling, which is the amount of damage the group takes. DPS has no ceiling, at least in theory, because you can always try to squeeze more damage out. Eventually, there will always be a question of whether X number of healers can handle the encounter to the point where one can be dropped and replaced with a DPS.
People who enjoy healing are going to be upset about the idea of their role going away (not that this is going to happen).
Might as well delete tanks while you are at it, since the real bottleneck is finding a tank for non-meta dps. Tanks are so high in demand they can cherry pick what dps/healers they want.
Im a pvp healer, and i do think we’re necessary there to balance the game. But in pve i think its a waste of time.
But this loops around to the whole support class element, too. There shouldnt be support specs. There should be support paths on dps trees. Allowing the DPS, which is the role people enjoy most, to adjust to being support is smarter, and would allow for the elimination of healers.
Imagine of ghe Elemeental Shamans healing stream totem increased healing based on crits.
Imagine if a Shadow Priests lightwell sent out more heals with dot damage.
You could have 1 class healing 90% of the time or you could have 4 classes DPSing and healing moderately.
The modern world is different than the world that gave us the holy trinity.
Every other role is expected to DPS constantly anyway, so why have a role that can’t do anything else beyond the minimum baseline for all roles?
This thread is silly. One item being OP is a reason to nerf that item, not to radically rework the architecture of the game, demolish party setup, and scrap 7 entire specs.