Healers are obsolete

I was made aware through an Automatic Jack video over completion of several mythic bosses in raid without the aid of healers because of the Cyrce’s circlet ring.

(Storm sewer/mariner hallowed/old salt bardic gems)

Several points are made about the DF talents and the extra self healing given the array of new talents with all the reworks.

Honestly I think blizzard should just lean into this at this point.

Any of us who have had to wait for a mythic plus dungeon for PVE or solo shuffle for PVP know we are more often than not waiting for a healer.

Why not just say to hell with it and all the while healer can be allowed to DPS more sort of blurring the line.

I understand some healers may balk at this but it lightens the loan on your shoulders and clearly the difficulty of existing content is too much for most healer anyway.


Healers won’t ever go away, the community would be in an uproar. The circlet, even if not nerfed, will be replaced in season 2.


I am basically looking to lessen the load on them by allowing DPS to bake in forms of healing and tanking from moment to moment as needed.

The game will to suffer if it continues to rely only on the trinity.

It’s an outdated model.


Imagine if the world first race had less than normal healers in favor of these rings. Things would get spicy!


Deleting tanks is better.

Deleting tanks is better than removing need for healers because a tank has to know how to play for the rest of the group to even stand a chance.

You can carry a dps. You can somewhat carry a healer.

Good luck with carrying an absolutely clueless tank.

And no one complains more than tanks about absolutely trivial things.


Delete DPS. Solves the tank and the healer shortage.


That also works.

Tanks constantly want to do damage anyway.

If everyone can tank, is that deleting tanks or deleting dps?

Hold up. So if we delete all 3 DPS, tank and heals, the problem solves itself!


Well not saying delete tanks either but the same principal would work.

People do not want to play tank or healer in a general sense. Most who play it ONLY play it because we have to play it, so we aren’t waiting forever in the que simulator game.

I literally just tanked on my dk last night and because we didn’t pull in the way this dude wanted around second boss in Grim Batol, he just left after I told him to shut up given his hissy fit.

There are countless toxic people so let’s put the burden back on them to do their own tanking or healing from moment to moment so they have nobody to blame but themselves.

That Salt Bard gem is really good in the raid, but it’s not a game changer in M+.

You need the entire raid to run it otherwise yeah. You’re not replacing anything.

I think it’s mostly the timer which makes people not want to tank and heal. If it wasn’t as tight you wouldn’t see so much tension.

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I’ve been rejected as a healer. And rejected tanks that applied.

There’s no tank or healer shortage, just a shortage of people who fit someone’s arbitrary criteria.

People do not want any tank or healer, preferably someone 200 + rating higher than average, and makes no mistakes, and is of meta class.


I love healing, you don’t speak for me.


The amount of complaints wouldn’t change

Forum healers complain any anything and everything 24/7 regardless

Too easy? Complain
Too hard? Complain
Need CDs? Complain
No CDs? Complain
Have to DPS? Complain
No time to DPS? Complain


This is a bit of a hottake, but I think they should make more effort to return to the original trinity. Tanks tanked but did little damage. Healers healed and weren’t even expected to do damage. DPS did the damage. Tanks and healers leveled as DPS. And yes, I realize that means needed TWO sets of gear, but hey, there’s no middle ground. Either it’s maintaining two sets of gear, or letting them both stand on their own. But whatever, I’ll do what I always do. Play the game I’m given. Heh.


The timers aren’t tight though?

So like, make it classic again?

Cuz I leveled as a tank in every xpac the game ever had lol

Eliminating healers because “at max level there shouldn’t be healers” would mean nobody would be able to do dungeons while leveling. I heal a lot of low level dungeons. In every one I heal people who would have died otherwise.

You don’t need 2 sets of gear for that.

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Healers would be fine if Blizzard wasn’t obsessed with this game being an E sport.


Only thing that needs deleting are your worthless takes