Fresh alt sockpuppet, how are you?
I enjoy healing. I enjoy DPSing while healing. This is why I play discipline and fistweaver.
I also understand that some healers prefer to be busy healing and doing the whack-a-mole thing.
Both of these concepts and approaches can coexist in this game and currently do. This is a good thing.
Long long ago Shammy could tank
Not in any actual capacity. Shaman could tank dungeons, not raids.
And tanking is “loose” term as in, taking damage. Cause healer can pump anyone up.
Aka “I pulled threat, and managed to live.”
Agreed!!! Been playing a long time now and think since they want to zerg and kill the whole party XD
As a healer this is pure blasphemy. There is no reason rogues or any other class should be able to heal to full so many times.
Lean into it? No way… DPS and tanking is so friggin boring because there is little to no urgency. I have dps characters when I want to do that… but I always come back to that sweet juice of keeping derps alive through all their ding dong choices.
MMO’s will die before wow does.
As it the most wildly popular mmo to date with no other MMO even remotely close to its sustained player base I don’t see their incentive to change anything.
That is a fair take. I have seen the opposite as well where people HAVE to take my alt char with like 1000 io into an 8 key haha. Could be they seen my main io with 2400ish io maybe, not sure.
So we really just have a community problem? The same toxic behavior between league player/any shooter etc of people who mass migrate on whatever is newest also have no patience and always blame someone else and not themselves in keys etc… HRMM
Wont deny that is a thing as well. People are excessively hard on wow, maybe because of the monthly subscription but this game really is amazing compared or anything else out there on the market.
Nah, shaman could tank raids as well
I remember watching a shaman tank do ToC, the raid not the dungeon
So are people just thinking we need to add more support( be it tank or heals) into existing DPS only specs?
Earth based Shaman tank spec
Demon armor buffed warlock tank spec
Warrior shout healing spec ( dps converts to heals like mistmonk)
I appreciate the Resto Sham behind my Paladin or Bear. I would not call them obsolete.
I’m on the fence with this one. It is kind of bad design that the moment people get some self sustain they start dropping healers for more dps.
Healer’s won’t be removed. And no, they aren’t obsolete.
Other games/mmos have gotten rid of the trinity entirely, letting everyone heal and DPS, and no one really tanks- the boss randomly tries to attack everyone, and it’s everyone’s job to stay alive.
I can see the appeal in both.
Sometimes, I want to be the bulky tank that’s hard to kill, that everyone has to sit behind.
Having everyone be DPS would probably lead to even more chaos than just having the old trinity system.
People say this every time some group runs something without healers.
And then you go look at what actual content below the top 0.5% looks like and you instantly realize, “oh, yeah, we definitely still need healers”.
The issue with healing is that it COMPLETELY depends on the group. Some groups can almost handle themselves outside of blatantly healer-targeted mechanics. Others interrupt nothing, stand in everything, and make it hell on the healer trying to keep them alive despite it being an M+6.
Generally, when you see high level content being completed without healers, it’s either not actually being done that way (see: people doing the first big pull in a dungeon as DPS then stepping out and swapping to healer but the run being recorded as 1 tank 4 DPS or whatever since that’s what it was started as), or everything is specifically built to make it possible. Every pull planned, every CD planned, specific specs brought for their ability to offheal or at least keep themselves up, or in this case, the entire 20-man raid running healing-centric gems in their OP catchup ring.
Fact is, any normal run can’t get by without a healer. It’s something you have to deliberately want to do for the sake of it. You have to build EVERYTHING around it, and you’re gaining basically nothing from doing it other than getting to say you did it - because it’s always going to be infinitely safer to just have the healer(s). If you are in a group where they are failing and need the extra DPS to finish it, it is not a group that is going to be successful by dropping the healer role.
Healing is amazingly fun in this game (well, with the right addons.) WoW getting rid of the role would be a huge mistake. It’s one of the things that makes this game unique compared to most other multiplayer games out there, especially ones with decent PvE.
That’s nonsense. There’s already too much homogeneity. Just because something exists doesn’t mean it’s outdated. That’s like saying having spells and abilities outside of “Attack” is outdated.
Welcome to fun whacky stuff with this ring and the last ring from Forbidden Reach at the end of the season.
Leave my healing alone. Thanks.
That already exists with personals, defensives and health pots. Most dps already have a hard time using those properly.
I mean I guess I could stop healing. Ngl most of the time i ignore healing to throw lava in enemies faces. Can’t deal damage if their dead right?