Why are healers so strong?
As far as I can tell there is no equal opportunity to defeat a healer 1vs1. The fight just lasts forever and they don’t even need to manage their cooldowns. This is the only reason I have a gripe with how TWW plays.
The biggest reason is because they don’t cast. Healers have always been strong enough to take on a couple dps or more, but it meant casting. There is almost 0 counter play now. And of the very little casting they do have, if you miss it just makes it even harder. To add to that, the casting that is still in the game is pretty quick. The added haste makes it harder to kick in general.
Blame PvE.
Would you wager it’s time to start allowing movement while casting as a replacement for some of the core instant-healing abilities?
It’s either that or a blanket nerf to healing output. The way they’re scaled is the worst out of any expansion, ever. I’ve always been a little bitter to run into a healer or tank out in the wild because it truly is just a damage sink where if I perform poorly or vice-versa the outcome used to be reasonable. At the very least you’d be able to chonk down a healer or tank to use monsters, terrain or another player to get your fight’s conclusion.
If you’re a healer you shouldn’t be expecting to do damage or defeat other players, healing and escaping should work in tandem. Right now everyone just stands there and presses a heal button once in a while.
Whoever is doing work to adjust healers just wants to be invincible and eventually be able to kill damage players like the dummies that run around in alternative franchise, build for complete resistance and rope in newbies to die in funneled choke points with charged up ultimate ability bursts. Please don’t let this happen to World of Warcraft. This isn’t a gutter spammer.
Why do you feel you deserve to be able to 1v1 a healer? That doesn’t make sense. Healers are always outnumbered at least 4:1 in BGs, if healers were just solod by anyone then who would want to heal? You can’t even take 1 person on you, let alone 4? That sounds terrible
You CC heals and you kill their friends, healers are very manageable right now with the amount of CC
It’s a good thought for sure and likely is the better direction to go, even if it’s limited. Maybe in the same way penance works but for more abilities OR short CD abilities that allow for casting on the move.
And as you point out, it’s not just healers, but tanks as well. Happened in a match last week that a prot was tanking 3 of us pretty easily. So I’d agree that healing overall in PvP needs adjustment. Short of you being able to lock a tank down completely, they don’t die. When tanks and healers are the strongest specs in world PvP as well, just makes the game unfun.
It is out of control. It should not take 3-5 DPS to take down a healer. Nor should it take 1. There needs to be a happy medium, but this is not it.
It doesn’t. lmao
Y’all need to learn how/what/when to interrupt and CC, assuming you’re even doing damage correctly (which you aren’t if 5 people can’t down a healer even with brute force).
Damage is cracked right now. I’ve literally globaled healers solo.
They’re supposed to be killable with 8-10 seconds of 2+ dps on them with interrupt+stun to DR
Healers can be crazy high through put but they should not be tankier than my prot warrior or paladin with cd’s up.
My pain suppression disc is immortal.
If you as a team let your healer eat so much damage and interruption you should lose them in a fight
Instead, my priest takes -30% damage and +30% self barriers/ healing so i am incentivized to eat damage instead
Evoker flaps around immune to cc
Paladin can double bubble
Monk just flies everywhere for the past 12 years
Shammy has grounding and stuff to eat effects
To kill a healer 1v1 you first need to kill their first health bar (mana) then you kill their second health bar(health).
you need to get trinket and then stun low. they have to make mistakes.
Where did you hear this? This is just a general, blanket statement and it makes no sense. There is no expectation of “there are 2 dps on me for 10 seconds therefore I should be dead, if I’m not this game sucks”.
Not all DPS are created equal, and I’m not talking about class balance or gear. A fully geared DPS with a poor understanding of how to DPS/Burst/kick/CC isn’t the same as a very good DPS. So if two terrible DPS get on a good healer, your rule still applies? You think a healer should still die within 10 seconds?
What if the 2 dps have no cooldowns/trinket and the healer has all of their cooldowns+trinket, do you think your example should apply? I think you’re thinking of a very specific scenario in your head but I have no idea what it is because BGs are chaotic.
The problem with these threads saying healers are unkillable is we have exactly no reference for how good any of these DPS are. We have no idea of gear, what cooldowns they did or didn’t have, what kind of peels they had etc. (although at least this OP did say 1v1) It’s just…this healer tanks 5 players and IM VERY ANGRY ABOUT IT
Healers die all the time in high rated ranked play, even in blitz where the ratio of dps to heals is lower and usually 3:1
You think so?
The only thing that really prevents me from killing a healer is another teammate.
Unfortunately, sometimes that is my teammate.
I probably look like a god to these dps that can’t do < 100M damage. Then I die in one global to the dps doing > 300M damage. There is far more bad dps in random BGs than good dps but I wouldn’t balance healers around bad dps.
Scary DPS are scary right now, I die a lot more than last season
It always amazes me how we hear about how someone couldn’t kill a Healer this one time, and - suddenly - this one time becomes all the time, and in every situation, as if there was no nuance.
Your Rogue was yummy !
Like the half dozen other WoW expansions with objectively better PvP and many other MMO’s with much more active PvP than WoW.
I can’t think in the history of gaming that I’ve been one player vs 5 equal geared players to survive more than a minute until respawn shows up.
Not even GW2 bunker guardians could keep that up when SPvP allowed toughness+healing power+vitality
Healers have been very good at surviving for most of WOW. The squishiest I remember them being was in vanilla but nobody knew how to play then, I have no idea if they were actually squishy or everyone was just awful. They were very powerful in TBC, wrath, legion, shadowlands and DF and now TWW. I can’t remember BFA, I played it but not for long and everything came down to PVE gear, it was awful
Shadowlands pvp was the most fun because although healers were very powerful so were people’s burst, people died all the time
I can’t speak for other MMOs, I don’t play them, but there’s no point comparing other MMO pvp to WOW’s
There’s a big skill gap in wow. Gear does not equal skill, 5 geared players that don’t know what they’re doing don’t get to kill someone just because they really want to. You still have to know how to play the game
Having a healer be unkillable results in the game reaching a point of broken. There is enough utility and management available for every healing class to win and prevail without sitting at 100% hp forever within a 1v1 engagement and the proof of this concept is literally every other expansion.
It’s too strong. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be strong or that a good healer shouldn’t be able to sustain. There’s a lot I don’t need to explain here.

Having a healer be unkillable results in the game reaching a point of broken.
Well then it’s a good thing they aren’t unkillable

100% hp forever within a 1v1 engagement and the proof of this concept is literally every other expansion.
If you can’t drop a healer below 100% health in a 1v1 then you need to look at your own play instead of complain about healing classes.
Healers were definitely not easy to 1v1 in every other expansion, this was made up

It’s too strong. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be strong or that a good healer shouldn’t be able to sustain. There’s a lot I don’t need to explain here.
So as long as you can 1v1 a healer you’re happy? I have to assume you’re just trolling, what awful takes on the game