Healers and self-sustain

My disc literally puts up 7m hp barriers w/ empowered shield or 10m with UP. And takes only 59% of incoming physical damage AFTER armor.

Fistweaver health bars didn’t move last patch 1v1 and you got punched to death.

Prevoker, lol Gl catching up and eating millions in fire damage.

I’m pretty sure me being able ot wall during stuns and chill with 7m absorbs on me can’t be counterplayed without 5 people purge spamming and not doing DPS doing it.

Yes, disc priest are over tuned. PVP tuning has been released already nerfing their output, and there will probably be more to come.

You don’t need 5 people spam purging to purge a priest, that’s a wild exaggeration.

CC them and kill their friends, force cooldowns and swap, kick/silence at opportune times. Like what do you mean there’s no counter play. People do it every day in blitz, all day long. If the only strat in this game was zug the enemy healers better than they do, nobody would play this game. That sounds terrible

Yes, these are abilities. And damage mitigation. Everyone has both

When sub rogue, MM hunter, WW, destro locks, spriests are killing people in the blink of an eye then yea…healing needs to be good. Healing was stronger in season 1 and yet was overall nerfed (except disc priest) this season plus damage across the board has gone up and CC is far more oppressive. Good players still kill healers, just like last season

Okay, maybe not Resto, it takes 2-3. Disc Priest takes 4-5. And we’re talking Random BGs. You think players use interrupts? They’d rather chase one player across the map then focus on the objectives.