Healer main/mage looking for guild

Hello all, I am a Healer main / mage main (waiting for pre-patch to make the final choice). I am looking for a guild to push mythic raiding. Most likely a guild that clears heroic and then progs mythic. I am currently on area-52 willing to switch if the guild is worth it. The hardest part is my raiding schedule being MONDAY/TUESDAY. I am willing and wanting to put in the time for mythic raiding. Also, the reason for putting healer main is…you guessed it… I am a team player and will help fill holes. I want to grow with a guild and make a community out of it.

discord: Savvy Z#4927

Hi there Holyhost!

Are you only able to raid on Monday/Tuesday or are those just your preferred days?

If not, we raid Tues/Wed/Thurs 8-11 EST AND we’re on Area-52.

If you’re interested, please message me @ Valkyrie#14405 on Bnet. I look forward to hearing from you!

Unfortunately only mon/tues. only days job is closed :frowning:

Hey Holy!

Crimson Brotherhood is looking to add quality people to our roster. Crim sounds like a home youre looking for. Check us out.
