Healer LF M+ and AOTC Guild

Hi all,

I am looking for a chill adult guild that clears AOTC+ some mythic and has active key pushing members. Most familiar with holy pally but open to playing a different healer for raid as needed (currently have a MW that is 625ish and a druid+shaman around 615. I only just started playing again a couple of months ago (hadn’t played since SL). Love running keys and planning to push to 3k on a couple chars next season.

Any evening after 6 PST other than Sat and Tue work for me. Happy to jump in some keys and chat on disc to see if it might be a good fit.

Thanks for reading and good luck for season 2!

Bnet Tag: Falcon#1288

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Hey Pharisaic,

You may enjoy a guild like ours — small, close knit, but fun! I run this guild with my husband as my Co-GM. However, we are a Pacific Time based guild and it seems there is a shortage of guilds on that coast, but it does suit some MST/CST/EST players that work second shift, have spouse/kids to tend to, or simply are night owls. Currently we have roughly ~40 active members that make up roughly about ~120 characters (some are admitted altoholics!). Although, admittedly we’re suffering from the “end of season” lull that seems to happen to every guild as we prepare for SEASON 2 (some of us are already on PTR testing!).

If raiding is what you’re looking for, we have several spots available on our Mythic raiding team, Olympians — they would be running on Wednesdays AND Fridays from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific for Season 2 (we’re on a break rn). Many of our folks from the Mythic team also run our Heroic raiding team, Prophets — on Tuesdays OR Thursdays from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific. We also occasionally run an open PUG Normal raid on Sundays (Pacific Time).

Aside from raiding, we constantly run delves and dungeons and there are several M+ runners and M+ static teams in our guild to go through that journey. We are also a social guild and encourage everyone to participate in Discord (our guild chat isn’t as active admittedly, as is with most guilds) which is our main center for all our events! We host things like Cards Against Humanity, Truth or Dare, Pictionary, or TV/Movie watch parties too! There is always a few folks sitting in Discord to chat with too (mostly afternoons and evenings of course cuz we’re adults and work!), but not so many that it overwhelms.

If any of this interest you, add me on BTAG at Danitsia#1308 or on Discord, join our TLP-WoW server: discord(dot)gg/HJDDS3E

Check us out at tlp-guild(dot)com or read our ad below:

<3 Dani


Would love to chat further,

Check out my recruitment post:

Feel free to hit me up: Bnet: Arthedain#1846, Discord: Arth0814

Hey. How’s it going? I think my guild might be a good fit. Take a look and let me know!

Please come check us out. We are looking for a healer! Hope to hear from you soon!

Big Facts is Recruiting!
About Us:
Big Facts is a returning guild that originally formed during Shadowlands. After a break, we’re making a comeback for Season 2 of The War Within and are looking for new and returning players to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some fantastic people on this journey, but we need more adventurers to fill our ranks! We understand that rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, and while there may be challenges along the way, we are committed to learning and growing together. If you’re willing to give us a shot, we’d love to have you on board!

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we also aim to achieve AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids, with potential for tackling a few Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:
A laid-back, welcoming community that supports both new and returning players
A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
Dedicated members willing to help with Mythic+ dungeons, gearing, and mechanics

What We’re Looking For:
Healers – If you enjoy keeping the party alive, we need you!
Ranged DPS – Prefer to rain down destruction from afar? Join us!
Dedicated, team-oriented players who want to grow with the guild
Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
Chill, patient players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:
Raid Nights: Friday & Saturday, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
Secondary Goal: Progress into Mythic bosses if numbers allow

How to Join:
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out!



Come be part of something great—Big Facts is back, and we want you with us!!!