[NA][A/H] <Prosapia> (Sun/Mon) Heroic Guild Recruiting Heals!

What is Prosapia : Prosapia is a Heroic raid guild that earns AOTC for each raid tier. We also have many members who gain Keystone Master and Keystone Hero each tier and actively look to run M+.

Who We Are: We are a group of older players (25-45+) who have been playing together for years (some of us for more than a decade even), and play mostly on nights and weekends. We are working adults with jobs and lives and some of us even have little murlocs to take care of. If you enjoy slaying internet dragons when you’re done adulting for the day, Prosapia may be right for you!

This is a game and most (if not all of us) play it to relax, unwind, and hang out. We stand by real life comes first and we do our best to maintain a low stress environment. Prosapia is full of task-oriented members who, while not on 24/7, will always be there for scheduled events and are always just a discord ping away.

Who We Want: We think who you are is more important than what you play. We are looking for players who play when we do and will mesh well with our group. We appreciate a positive attitude and the ability to chuckle at the occasional mature joke…or immature joke depending on how you look at it.

  • One dedicated healer!

The Details: We raid Sunday and Monday night from 6pm-9pm PST (9pm-12am EST). We use Discord for voice. We are an Alliance based guild, but our horde friends are welcome!!

Contact Info: If you think Prosapia may be a good fit add Andarieal#1514 or Nickelbritt#1441 on battle.net (or Nickelbritt on Discord) and introduce yourself!


Can confirm. This guild is fun.

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We have cookies and cake

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Bumpy bump. Come join!

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Great group, known them since WoD!

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Come play with us! Bumpin’!

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I promise we don’t bite!

Give us a try!


Still looking for a healer! :smiley:

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Come slay internet dragons (… goblins?) with us.

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Adventure awaits, come join.