Hello All!
After the Guild I had been helping to run for years stopped progression raiding midway through M Uldir, I took a short break to recharge - which turned in to 4+ Months due to work commitments…
Ideally I’m looking for a raid that starts around 09.00 am-10.00am EDT (or after) on weekdays. I could however swing a super late night group starting after 2am EDT. I play from Europe, so more conventional raid times do not work for me
I have been healing since Burning Crusade and playing a Disc Priest since Cataclysm in Mythic (or the equivalent). I have been having fun working through Heroic BoD with a number of healing specs but Disc will always be my #1 .
I also have an alt Holy Paladin at similar gear levels and a Mistweaver, slightly higher. I would prefer to play disc, but might be persuaded otherwise.
I am currently Horde, and on Area 52, a change of faction/server is not a problem and I have always loved a gnome
Disclaimer: Like an unloved 1980’s Sony Walkman , my Disc Priest is a bit outdated and behind the times…but trying to catch up. (400+ ilevel and climbing. 47 Neck)
Character: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/area-52/cruijff
Let me entice you further with some 8.0 Heroic & Mythic Uldir logs and a few 8.1.5 normal BoD runs. Spicy, eh
WCL: https:// www. warcraftlogs. com/character/us/area-52/cruijff#zone=21
Also a link to H BoD logs for alt MW Monk:
https:// www .warcraftlogs .com/character/us/area-52/cruyff#zone=21
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Thanks for reading.
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
I’m still plugging away with the catch up Anyone out there?
Still on the look out.
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
We start a little earlier than you want, but if it might work check us out We run heroic on Fridays and mythic Weds/Thurs.
Constant Insanity is a MORNING raiding guild based on Sargeras Alliance side with a goal of completing mythic content while it’s current. We are a relaxed group of adults and most of our raiders either work alpha shift or live overseas. We spend a lot of time pushing M+ keys together on off days and after raids and have a decent amount of people with high io scores. We also run pug raids multiple times per week and do achievements together.
Regarding recruiting, while we have a “wish list” of classes, a good player with a positive attitude is worth more than a specific class. If you are interested, feel free to look us up on discord or add to BNET even if you don’t see your class/spec listed below!
Current Crucible progression:
2/2H (AOTC week 1, haven’t tried mythic yet)
Current BoD progression:
Raid days:
Weds 8-11am CST
Thurs 8-11am CST
Current Needs
1-2 exceptional DPS
1 healer (any class considered)
Discord: kalanii#9911 (lowercase)
Bnet: Kalanii#1116
Thanks for the interest so far
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Still on the look out.
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Still working on catching up
Still on the look out.
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Still on the hunt for a group!
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Thanks for the responses so far.
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)