Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Still looking. Thanks for the Bnet additions.
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Still on the hunt for a group!
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Still Looking
We recently restructured to a more progression focused attitude in mind and switched servers and factions. However having fun is still our main goal. We hang out in Discord, gamble during raid, and heckle each other on a regular basis. We engage in quite a bit of adult-themed tomfoolery so you must be open to that sort of humor.
Expectations of mythic raiders
- Maintain Gem and Enchants on your gear
- Have good attendance when it comes to mythic raiding (90% or above)
- Able to communicate through voice chat
- Able to take constructive criticism
- Maintain knowledge about your class/spec
- Know the fights ahead of time or at least have read a summary
Raid consumables (flasks) are covered as well as feasts. We expect raiders to maximize the use of these tools. Additionally, all raid repairs are paid by the guild bank.
Heroic Tuesday
Tuesdays is our laid back raid night. It’s more of a loot grab for Alts. Casuals are encouraged to participate!
Current Recruitment
Just looking for a guild? Not looking to raid? Not geared to raid? Give us a try! We take casuals and under geared alike! Taking good people for good times!
Classes in high demand
- H Priest, Disc Priest, Resto Druid
- Boomkin - Druid
- Ele-Sham
- Mage
- Lock
Any exceptional player of any class always considered
If you have any questions feel free to contact one of our officers in game
Officers: Adz#1372/Little#1359/Crocker#1180
US-Area 52 - Horde
Focus: Semi-Hardcore Mythic Raiding and Dungeons
3/9M 9/9H BoD
Mythic Raid Times
- Saturday 10pm - 1am EST
- Sunday 9pm - 12am EST
Heroic Raid Times
- Tuesday 9pm - 11pm EST
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
<LökTar> is a horde guild located on Hyjal and currently recruiting. We are a group of experienced raiders focused on completing all levels of raid content and mythic dungeons (and a little PVP). Our goal is to create a fun and positive community for dedicated players with little time to play but a big passion for the game. Currently pushing into Mythic.
Raid days
Tuesday/Wednesday 7:00pm to 10:00pm server (Pacific Standard Time).
Optional Friday Nights at 7:00pm to 10:00pm or whenever we decide to end the night.
Current Progression
9/9H BOD
1/9M BOD
2/2H COS
Not in my time brackets unfortunately…
Still looking!
Contact: Cruyff#7961 (discord) or Trotsky#1563 (bnet)
Still looking around, thanks for the bnet requests
Hello, we are recruiting! Please check are raid times, we start on time for raids (2AM Eastern):
Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis
We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST
Guild Master: Fiege
BNET: Fiege#1567