Healer interrupts

Your taking part of my job.
Hey, maybe mages should have a rez!

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Except… Healers used to have interrupts. They took it away.

It’s like taking away taunting from every tank but Warrior, and then saying “Sorry, didn’t you know? It’s a Warrior niche. Let’s not homogenize every Tank. If you want a taunt as a tank, roll a warrior”.

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Use CC to soft interrupt casts. Typhoon, mighty bash, psychic scream, HoJ, Leg Sweep.

And sometimes you’ll be hosed anyways, but that’s ok because it’s group content and no one person should have all the answers to every problem the group comes up against. (Or run resto shaman).

I use all of these Im asking for an actual interrupt

As a Disc Priest it can be rough. Scream is nice but requires I stand in melee, and Force is not bad at getting the job done, but it can be annoying to skatter all the mobs about, although it’s great to help with kiting.

As Holy can have Chastise for incap/stun to help too, but otherwise… very oof.

Monk and Paladin should absolutely have their Interrupts again at minimum.

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What expansions did all healers have interrupts?

I don’t think Priest ever had Silence as anything but Shadow.

However Monk and Paladin had proper interrupts during MoP-WoD at least, the same abilities their DPS and Tank specs had.

I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure RDruid had Skull Bash too at this time? I’m like 90% sure it had it at least at some point.

And obviously Shaman had and still has Wind Shear.

Many things unfortunately lost in the great Legion pruning.