Healer interrupts

Where is this “large margin”? Shaman is mid-pack for pretty much every single key.


But don’t let actual data stop your salty waterfall.

Disc is one of the best specs right now what do you mean?

As I mentioned earlier it would only be for pve content

Yeah but the point is, I shouldn’t have to reroll a class for basic utility. Druids used to have an interrupt same with priests if I remember having a silence. Why can’t we have those back?

Shaman is good but I’m pretty sure disc is s tier

I want them to expand shackles functionality beyond four use cases per expansion(if were lucky). Every time I think about it I get a touch of nerd rage. It is one of the most useless spells in the game. Its been relevant what? Twice?

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No. We tried this once before. Arena balance would be in shambles if every healer could interrupt, and the game would be incredibly unfun for casters because not only do they have to juke 2 interrupts per match, but they also have to work through stuns, among other forms of CC. This would be a terrible idea.

The only healer which should have an interrupt is shaman, and that’s because the entire point to their kit is disruption and prevention. Giving it to other healers like holy paladin, or druid, or priest would be ridiculous.

Pve. I said pve

Shaman says hello. Hide behind pillar, come out wind shear, hide, out, riptide, hide, grounding, hide, out, wind shear.

Kind of their niche

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I love my interrupts… and being able to devour barriers and buffs.

  • Tank should be able to heal because sometimes healers fail at healing.
  • Tank should be able to dps because sometimes dps fail at dpsing.
  • Undead Protection Warrior should be able to summon Succubus.
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Gimme succubi

Having an “oh crap” button won’t hurt anyone,especially if there’s a DPS not paying attention or for some reason has a lag spike.

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Um no you arent. Mistweaver doesn’t have one.

I’d rather not.

It’s often that I’ve got enough on my plate trying to keep the raid alive, don’t need to add interrupt duty on top of that.

Paladins should absolutely get rebuke back as a class-wide ability.

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Also warlocks. Honestly wtf

You can’t just add an interrupt used only for pve.

Sums it up well

“Can every class have every utility?”

Interrupt isn’t every utility

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No, let’s not give healers interrupts because class homogenization is bad and certain classes should be able to fill certain niches based on their abilities. If everyone has interrupts/speed boosts/Bloodlust/etc., then why do classes exist in the first place?

If you want to have an interrupt as a healer, roll a Shaman.

Better answer for you?

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Having an interrupt isn’t as big of a deal as you think it is. It is not going to change classes. People will still probably pick a shaman or a druid over a holy priest any day

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