Healer godmode is exhausting

Thats why dampening exists and your experience is completely irrelavent to the purpose of the forums.

if a healer vs. dps each don’t have an equal chance of beating each other then the game balance is in the dumpster, healer survivability should be reliant on other players peeling

BGB games feels like PvE, SS games is just AOE raid simulator, healing is way too high and dampening shouldn’t even exist

getting CC’d sucks but getting a clean kill off of a CC chain is soooo satisfying

would be a worse game if we all just smashed buttons for 5 minutes until someone died

Probably less impressive than it looked like. I did the 500 blood token quest in Ringing Deeps this morning by literally just spamming spinning crane kick and off healing myself occasionally as a Castweaver.

I killed the same DH like 3x, a rogue, made 2 Spriests run away, tagged all the mobs while other people killed them, etc. Anyone remotely competent would have stuffed me in a locker and taken my lunch money.

I can be getting solo’d by 3 or 4 DPS like 10 feet from my team fighting and no one touches them, and this isn’t a once in a while thing, this is an every game thing. lol Good luck with getting that change pushed through.

For that matter, while FCing this morning I turned around, ran back away from my base and into a large mob of my own team who were mid fighting just so they would do something useful by using their little pea brains to start attacking players I drew into them.

You couldn’t possibly actually believe the run of the mill BGB DPS player is going to ever do anything but poorly do a PVE rotation and win or lose by total accident.


I get it, it’s not the best for all skill levels I just wish peeling was more important. Got me laughing with the pea brain comment.

I was playing Feral in a BGB and the enemy healer literally whispered me multiple calling me toxic bully because I was constantly trying to kill them.

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You and me both, man. lol This MW is relatively high MMR, you would think games where I’m queuing into great players like Hansol, Weedtyler, Flarkness, etc. would be harder to heal but those players do such an excellent job of peeling that it feels like I’m playing a completely different video game.

Then I get on my alt MW or Rsham and the entire game I’m getting collided into like a broken down car on a train track and no one on my entire team seems to care about it. Healing BGB is 100% exactly like healing M+. It’s totally terrible until you get high enough to play with good players, then it’s actually really, really fun.

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You apparently don’t know how BG Blitz works then. Sure they capped the node ONCE, but after that it was contested the entire map. All we did was lock up one of their healers and their two DKs the entire match. I don’t know if you know how math works, but the rest of my team had one less dps to deal with so effectively fought the rest of the match outnumbering the other team by one player. In a BG Blitz that means the rest of the match was 6v5 and we won by a lot. It wasn’t even close.

1300 in 2v2 but 1600+ in solo bg. Yeah I’ve played a healer before in previous WoW expansions. The game isn’t difficult, neither are any of the classes once you’ve played them for a bit. I’ve easily mastered any class I’ve been able to play and any content I’ve engaged with I’d be among the top (currently put out among the highest dps numbers in bg’s, would be top healing in raids I took part in). Like clicking on players and pressing heal button is that hard. Oh wow I need to cc break every once in a while and use defensives. Wait, is that like any other class too? Guy thinks I don’t even currently heal as a ret pal nor use defensives, nor get focused. Oh man it’s so hard to heal two dps players or even one with unlimited mana and the ability to not die because I’m godmode.

All your rating means is how much time you’ve invested into a game mode with the assumption that you figure things out and improve as you go. My 1600 would be higher but I just don’t care to play it now that I hit that number. It’s too sweaty and I’d rather play unranked matches where its more fun because people care less.

You’re literally copying what I said as if I didn’t say it, while telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about, you illiterate clown. Lmao

If you disagree with me you’re a low class WoW fangirl and shouldn’t have an opinion because its factually wrong. Just fought against unranked 3v3 disc priest and two ret pals vs me, resto shaman and dk. Guess who won and why? No, you don’t need to guess because you already know, idiots.

Christtal Sunrage I’m tempted to ask if you’re a legitimately medically diagnosed slowhead, but it would be both disingenuous and rhetorical.

Who was the hunter that thought everyone was hacking her in random BGs, I think it was maybe Gracie? Anyway, you make Gracie look like a pretty balanced individual.

i just feel like healers should die without 45% dampening and 50% MS which only happens strictly in an arena setting personally

So today in arena I went from 100-0 in a global on my druid.
Whats god mode about not even having enough room for a GCD?

My regrowths are healing around 300-400k hp
On a target with 8 million hp.

Why you might find healers are god is because you are using a healer who is 2.4k xp playing with 1k rated DPS for cap. That healer has to time his CDs perfectly where dps are backpedaling and using their CDs at all the wrong times. The top healers are not up there because they are the best. They are up there because their dps are.

You put cdew blizzcon champ with bad DPS and he won’t win games. Blizzard changed healers in wod to make it more team based rather than healer influenced. If your DPS don’t know what to do when they get dueled or smoke bombed and it’s GG.

I had to play off my absolute face to carry DPS and even when I do it’s still likely a loss. A healer is only as good as his dps he plays with.

Back in mop I carried a warlock to 1800 when healers could influence. We had 300-400k hp and our standard heal was 50k. Now compare that to 8 million hp and a 300k standard heal …

Healers don’t queue solo often because solo DPS are not the actual rating they are at. I was healing people at 2k who played like 1400 DPS.

I shouldn’t have to spam my absolute brain off to try keep someone up but that’s where we are at.

I currently prefer holy pally due to bops, sac etc as it’s reduction of damage rather than my healing. Once we run out of CDs, someone will die and that’s why healer is no longer a viable fun class to play.

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