You guys are special. Disc is SO easy to lock down its laughable. Yes the shields are a lot, but if you actually try, and not just zug zug, it’s not hard.
disc and pres need massive mana nerfs.
No, they don’t. You all just need to learn to adapt.
What? Afraid… lol even
Afraid to get glitter on me perhaps, it’s a sumbltch to clean up
He was right though, but yes blocking people that disagree with you because your opinion is bad is certainly much easier than debating it.
Beautiful example of dps players that don’t want to sit 50 minute queues and cry about it all while trying to get the devs to design the game in a way that gets them 50 minute queues. Its so funny. Some of these people want to press their 2 minute cd and kill a healer instantly lmao.
I think healing should be brought up to disc/pres level, defensiveness of disc is possibly a bit too good but at the same time with how much mobility has been added to every class/spec aside from priest it seems pretty important to then make priest survivability strong. But its prob too good, the oracle self shield talent (30% increased effectiveness on yourself) might need a small nerf. In terms of damage, pres damage needs a nerf still (fire breath ideally) but outside of that its fine. Healer mana is the bigger concern I have, they should definitely take a look at that.
Adapt to infinite mana? Specs are broken for multiple reasons including mana regen. Numbers don’t lie.
Call me crazy but i honestly believe all healers should have the same healing throughput, the only thing that should differentiate them is utility/dam.
Yeh learn to adapt to the disc healer on the other side being at 90% mana vs a deep dampened oom rsham
It’s called CC, perhaps it’s something people suck at in SS, but a well coordinated team can make a disc priest completely useless. Mind you, I am not comparing to other healers I already know disc is strong by comparison, that’s not the point.
that’s 12 years too long that I’ve been depressed over the game
No they don’t. They both could use some damage nerfs though
Played correctly a healer should never oom. Healer’s should only oom if they make mistakes, or if the enemy team forces them oom, which is exactly why I said earlier they need to bring back tools to attack the mana bar like mana burn/drain/viper sting and give players agency over attack healers with methods other than spamming their DPS rotation.
Right now pvp is as dumbed down as it can get. You spam your DPS rotation until dampening is to high and pop CDs when enemies are at, or going into, their highest point of damage. That is boring and repetitive and leads to situations in which if healers have appropriate agency DPS feel bad because the control has been taken from them and shifted to the healers. Instead of having this tug of war over who gets to be OP they need to provide classes with tools to actually attack players. Interrupts and CC are good options but frankly we need more, attacking mana bars, stronger mortal strikes(this comes with removing dampening), etc. It would make arena far more dynamic than it is now.
Pla keep ur 1500 healer xp out of the conversation
lmao ok. Ret pal players know our damage is weak right now. There are plenty of forum posts about it already and 99% of paladins that I’ve come across and know personally agree.
“He’s right. Except he’s wrong because you’re right and here is my large paragraph showing that I agree with your statements.”
this has to be a blitz player pov right? Cause dampening has ruined healing in any arena forever and theres for sure no god mode to be seen outside of battlegrounds
it’s a “that hyper casual drunk dad in your yolo rbg group who says ‘CC THE HAYLER’ intermittently in a thick southern accent to act like he knows what’s going on” pov
Okay ret isnt OP.
Is there anything i can do to convince you that the healer down there with you at 1350 can definitely die?
He doesn’t know his class yet either.
Are you playing with a healer in twos or a dps? LFG or a friend?
healing should be reduced by about 50%
I think you need to $tfu with the condescending bs. I know every single ability on my bar and when to use it and my damage is usually near the top of any pvp I run. All this is showing is that you don’t understand where ret pal is at right now in arena. I’ve literally been told by my pvp guild that I shouldn’t be fighting with ret pal in arena because its weak unless its 3v3 which I haven’t played. The ONLY factors into the equation of why I haven’t had success in 2’s is because of ret pal weakness and comp. Aside from that, unless they completely overhaul healing nothing is going to change.
Are they though? Only in duels and in open world. In Arenas they are quite easy to kill.