Healer dps issue

You clearly never played either tank or healer it seems.

Sure thing. Which hunter spec is healer and/or tank again?

Of course not. Hunters cannot be either.

I think thereā€™s a different discussion here whether itā€™s raid healing vs. M+ healing.

In my opinion, hereā€™s how they stack up, hardest to easiest:

Raids and low (9 or less) keys:

  1. Healing
  2. DPS
  3. Tanking

Keys of +10 or more:

  1. Tanking
  2. Healing
  3. DPS

Back to OPā€™s point about healers and DPS, weā€™ve reached a point in the game where two things have become true that I really wish were not: One, all healers are now expected to DPS. My problem with that expectation is class design has changed so much over the years that people donā€™t keep up with how the classes they donā€™t play are doing at that particular point in time.

Iā€™ve always expected Disc priests to DPS. Over time, Iā€™ve come to expect Holy paladins to as well. Iā€™ve never expected Holy priests to do it. Iā€™ve gone from expecting (Fist)Mistweavers to do a lot of DPS to not. Iā€™ve seen Resto shamans go from never DPSing to being expected to out-DPS some of the DPS. Where this becomes a problem for the community writ large is that expectations are all over the board.

The other negative progression Iā€™ve seen is how the hybrid DPS classes have had their healing devalued. Ret paladins, Enhancement shamans, etc., have had their heals nerfed over the years to the point where theyā€™re thrown in with the regular DPS classes, and then people complain that theyā€™re not viable invites for raid DPS slots. Well ā€“ thatā€™s probably true, and it shouldnā€™t be. Either buff the blazes out of their healing spells so that skipping a GCD attack for a heal actually feels like an OK trade, or just get rid of the hybrid idea altogether and stop taxing them based on an outdated expectation.

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Dont ask me to comment on that as someone who loves healing, lol.
yeahā€¦tanks can be a rump at times, but Iā€™d say that 90% of every problem I saw from the healing end was caused by DPS players who wanted to play for them instead of for the team and get the run finished.
They actually end up costing us more time by making me have to focus on them instead of the tank.

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Remember your ABCs: Always Be Casting.

If your team mates are eating HoTs and arenā€™t going to be hit with unavoidable damage until they top them off, you donā€™t need to be healing them. Get some wacks in, you deserve it. If everyone is on fire and the house is coming down, you should be healing.

Never ever should you as a healer just be sitting there doing nothing. If youā€™re a tank or a dps eating avoidables and your healer isnā€™t feeding overheal then you donā€™t get to complain about healers not doing damage.

I started to let the dps who consume too much of my mana die in normal dungeons. Itā€™s the M+ situations that the decision making become tough.

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if its an easy run I can afford the mana. But they really just dont watch my mana bar to make sure Im not already stretched too thin before they pick up those 4 side mobs we dont really need to clear in the first place.
My main objective is keeping the tank alive. He comes first because he is keeping me alive. DPS as far as Im concerned make themselves expendable if theyre not playing for the team and are eating my mana for no good reasonā€¦and especially if they leave my healing range. I follow the tank.

Okay, Iā€™ll leave the mechanics,cc and interrupts to healers and tanks, after all me standing in a puddle on the ground is a healer mechanic since my only job is to DPS.

Buuuuut then you get healers like some holy paladins that are keeping your group alive on the worst affix healing weeks while also doing like 4k dps overall lmao

Only during his long AF CD ashen, not every pull. Tank and healers interrupts, do mechanics and cc too, on top of KEEPING YOUR ALIVE, dps stop complaining or you wont get healed.