Healer dps issue

Good play a heal or tank then

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I always heard people say how hard healing was. I honestly got tired of hearing about it and rolled one. I must say, that with the exception of grievous week, healing is the easiest thing other than tanking that I’ve ever done. Now, that being said, the hardest thing to do in the game is to heal bad players. If they’re not bad, it is mind numbingly easy.

Being a good dps is WAY more demanding. So many more apm.

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I’ve seen this as well. I’m happy to help someone learn. Dungeons are best learned by doing.

Those that insist on face rolling (ie stand in stuff while refusing mechanics) and let the healer try to keep up, well, that’s another matter.

Tanking is hardest till about 20s because you have to control a lot. Healing is easiest at all Levey. Dps because harder once you hit high level.

The problem is there is no good metric for how much a tank helps or hurts the DPS do their job.

Preach had a good video about a tanks main job is rounding things up into a little murder ball as quickly as possible so DPS can whack them all on their little heads efficiently.

Instead you got tanks flying all over the place with 3 mob pulls turning into a 5 mob pull half way through, then right a into a 2 mob pull that turns into a 6. With no out of combat to allow energy to regen or healers to drink.

Predicable consistent pulls. Allows the DPS to plan their CD’s and other resources accordingly.

Instead you have the penny wise pound foolish hyper pulls where you shave off a half second between a pull to create 10 extra seconds of confusion as everyone tries to figure out what the tank is doing.

that’s some of it, but it goes deeper. i did a +8 NW last week that failed at the second boss because nobody knew what they were doing. the tank wasn’t picking up the adds, the mages weren’t being burned quickly, one guy kept getting hit by necrotic breath… none of those were affix issues, they were plain old “no idea what’s going on” issues.

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Healers should DPS if they have any downtime in necessary healing.

But some people are going to have the impression that “Healers should DPS” paired with ideas like “Holy Paladins do good DPS” and never think any further on it.

And, well, yeah. Like the OP is saying, Healer DPS is going to fluctuate wildly based on how much damage the party is taking. Doing big pulls or people just aren’t avoiding or interrupting stuff? There’s really not going to be that much time to dps. And similarly, while HPally has the potential for high/bursty Healer DPS, if they actually have to heal, that will not be the case. They have fairly typical healer DPS if they have to spend most of every pull actively healing. It’s when things are controlled and they can focus on doing damage that they pull ahead and other healers whine about them.


Depends what keys you are running. If you aren’t pumping DPS as a tank/healer you will fail higher keys. Also, helping kill stuff faster = less healing. You mentioned a Paladin specifically, and guess what? Paladins are SUPPOSED to do a LOT of DPS while healing. They are probably the strongest DPS healer right now.

Consecration does a lot of DPS for what it is. Outside of that… no, they really don’t do that much damage unless they can pump their holy shocks and Divine Toll into DPS instead of healing. Crusader Strike and the occasional Judgment don’t do that much damage. Barring the Holy Crusader talent or whatever it’s called, of course.

Tanking at the beginning of an expansion, perhaps. But once the routes are made and understood by the majority, its literally brain dead. Tanks get carried by dps so hard its offensive. I never noticed it so clearly til I started healing

Sorry but you’re wrong here. My average dps per m+ is probably around 1.4k and I rarely pump any holy power into sotr or use DT and shocks offensively. Hpals HAVE to dps to build holy power, the other healers choose to either heal or dps. I played a rdruid before i tried out hpal and on runs where i felt I could throw out lots of dmg I was maybe reaching 600 dps over the course of a run.

Uh-huh. If going to say stuff like that have to actually have rating to back it. Either trolling or never done actual content as tank. Not saying tank is hard but it’s most demanding. Brain dead really applies to meta dps classes but I wouldn’t insult you like that.

He is right. It’s easy to ruin the run as a tank, but it is impossible to carry, dps are true carries in keys.
It is unfair to look at roles separately though. If tank is not pulling correctly dps can’t do their job.

Actually they are right, healers who don’t dps are generally not doing half their job.

Like not healing is only for groups where people take dmg from everything, but if you as healer don’t dps at all, you’re just very bad at healing.

Nowadays you got heroic raid comps with 2 tanks 2 heals and 10 dps smashing through with healers doing as much damage as tanks. Yeah you heard it right.

And then you got plebs who stand in back and throw few heals, and do 0 dmg to contribute.

All healers are capable of dealing as much damage as tanks, and almost act as 5th dps, which means packs go down faster, which means less healing required. Esp when healers got interrupts and cc, like shaman interrupt and aoe stun totem. If you don’t use your utility and your dps, you’re a bad healer.

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I play frost mage, bm hunter, and when I do tank, a prot paly. There is nothing in the game easier than tanking. Nothing. Idk if you’re referring to if the key is a mess? Then of course, tanking difficulty goes up exponentially, but that isn’t because tanking is hard.

The highest dps tank. Two of the easiest range. As I said you need rating to back up claims. My main is dh done 20s this season. It’s easy under 20s sure. I also play ele sham, monk, bear and dk. My Warr was my main in BFA and recently leveled it. I think tanking and dpsing is equal in high keys. I did 24s in BFA and found having to decide I n cds when and where started to matter. But 15s? Dpsing is easier since there is very little expectation.


Any class/spec/role that is playing well has high apm.

Unless your one of those healers that just stands there gawking when there is no healing to be done, Is argue that healing has far more apm than DPS and by a good amount.


If healing is hard for you, then its whatever I guess. It is definitely not that difficult for me outside of grievous. Of course, the way that I play dps is not common. I’ll out kick melee every single time overall, even as ranged. If I’m on my hunter, I use my stun on cd, as well as even incorporating traps into rotation if theres important casts going off. Maybe I should switch to shaman healer, come to think of it. I could aoe stun and interrupt like a melee the whole time.

I main resto shaman and am currently running keys with rdruid, hpal, and MW.

Doing damage as a healer is what makes healing fun for me. Not only that, but if you are trying to get through a dungeon as fast as possible under time constraints, how could any healer make the argument that they are just there for the heals?

I recently was over time by three seconds in an HoA 15. I thought back to a few cases when I could have pumped damage harder, it may have meant timing the key (other players could have done better, too, not taking responsibility for the whole thing).

As mentioned above, with hpal and MW (fistweaving) the damage is built into the spec, so you don’t have to work that hard to do damage. As resto shaman it’s pretty easy to get a couple chain lightnings off in between heals, they really add up. I find resto druid is the class I have to work the hardest at for damage. I try to spread my DoTs around at the beginning of each pull, but they don’t seem to add up to a lot. Still working on it.

Having said that, this week sucks for my damage. Grievous is just so much more work for healers.

That’s where you stop healing them and let them die. HOWEVER: when they complain about it (and they will) point out that they need to learn not to stand in dumb and how to use CC’s and do mechanics.

I’ve never been kicked outside of once and that was because those guys wanted to bring in their guildie on a random run during Cata.