Healer and DPS LF M Raiding Guild

Past CE raider looking to get back into Mythic raiding for the next tier along with my partner. We’ve both done high level raiding in the past but took a bit of a break from it and have been raiding more casually and have been sticking to AotC for the past couple years.

We are looking for a LGBTQ+ friendly guild, 2 or 3 nights a week, optional nights for alt raids or M+ are a big plus.

Hello Stevey, The Mechanically Gifted are currently recruiting for a healer and DPS right now if you are interested, Our raid times are Tues/Wed 9pm EST to 12am EST,

If you are interested hit one of us up!

Hey there!

Name: Cinder and Ash
Faction: Horde, but welcoming Alliance brethren, sistren, and peopleren
Server: Mal’Ganis
LWIW Featured Guild.

Aberrus: 3/9M & 9/9H AOTC
Vault: 3/8M, but we typically earn 50-75% of Mythic tiers
Raid Days: Friday and Saturday 8:00pm-11:00pm , CST (Server Time).
DPS: Ranged DPS
Heals: Resto Shaman

About Us:
Our group members vary but we are mostly thirty-somethings who love to progress together as a team. Some of us have been together for years, and some are significantly newer – we are always welcome to new “faces” in the guild.

We strive for a structured and competitive raid, constantly analyzing logs and improving ourselves, and you should too.

Non-Raid Events:
We enjoy running M+ at various levels throughout the week and kicking it in old raids for camaraderie, achievements, and mounts. Our discord events channel lists the guild-wide casual events that rotate in and out each week.

What We Are Looking For:
We accept all players provided they are respectful. We have a diverse guild roster and we expect all of our members to be welcoming and accepting.

We keep our rosters above 20 to account for absences and fights where we need more ranged than melee. We do not perma-bench people and aim to rotate people as much as possible when we don’t have sitting volunteers. During Mythic, you might get sat for a boss sometimes, but it will not be a regular occurrence.

If you might be interested or have any questions, feel free to message me through Discord at Saint_11 or our GM Ember on Discord at emberwrites

Add me on bnet so we can chat: Pezek#1832

We are a CE guild in need of some more talented players. We raid Tues/Thurs from 8pm-11pm EST.

Look forward to talking with you soon.

[H][Tichondrius] 9/9H 2/9M

Raid Times are Tues/Sun 4:30PM-7:30PM PST.

We are a newer tight knit guild that wants to progress through Mythic Raiding. We want to provide a fun atmosphere while we do it. We consist of quite a few ex cutting edge raiders and want to find some more like-minded players to round out our Raid group and guild for Mythic+. As far as raiding goes, we expect you to be “raid ready” and have a good knowledge of your class and of the raid bosses before we go into an encounter. Show up on time and be consistent.

We are all adults and definitely LGBTQ friendly. Hateful speech is not accepted in guild.

PST Soulisz in game or add me on btag: rag1807#1645 if you would like to chat.

Hey there!

I run Rainbow Riot on Area-52 and we’re an LGBTQ raiding guild focusing on AOTC content looking for a healer and a dps!


Heres a post to my guild thats currently recruiting. Add me and we can talk more.

Good luck hunting!

We are getting ready to progress into mythic and need a couple of more strong dps to fill up our ranks. Thought I would give you our summary and see what you thought.

9/9 normal and 9/9 heroic, we raid Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 8:00 pm till 11:00 pm. We are spending a couple of weeks focusing on heroic raid while we gear up and prep for our push into mythic raid.

Now that the boring stuff is over…

We are a group of people that really enjoy playing the game together, but are also a group of adults who have lives that understand a video game won’t always be a priority. We believe in respecting each other and enjoying progressing together.

Our guild is not only LGBTQ+ friendly, it is LGBTQ+ founded and partially run. We are really big on making sure no one feels not welcome and free to be themselves in our guild.

If any of that seems to fit with what you are looking for in a guild then I’d love to talk more, or maybe do a m+ run with some other guildies and see if there is a fit. If not then I wish you the best of luck in your guild search.

Feel free to reach out via battle net amillerguy#11844 or discord at amillerguy


Parasomnia is a late night raid team looking to fill spots for our raid team.

Right now we are 9/9H 3/9M.
Our current roster consists of former high level mythic players. We want to progress on a two raid night schedule and enjoy all aspects of the game besides raiding. We have a small team of high level mythic + players as well.

Current Needs
Melee DPS
Range DPS

Raid times: Wednesday/Thursday 8:30pm-11:30am Pacific time

If your interested contact;
Irizz#1719 (discord irizz#0828)