Heads up, Hunters!

Lots of nice new choices. Gonna have to make some tough calls about stable slots. :frowning:


Now if only they would increase our stable size. It’s been nearly 7 years since the last time they added more slots.

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They’re right next to the PVP vendors, don’t tell me you can’t find them.


We need more stable slots.
I have many hunters, cause I love collecting stuff, and hunter is the best class for that, since you can collect pets. I usually tame all possible pets that fit the hunter race.

For exemple, I tamed all dinosaur models released since MoP on this hunter (you can check on my stables page), and it was just enough to leave me basically without empty spaces, so in case they release new dinosaurs, my stables will feel incomplete, because I won’t be able to tame them.

Same thing about my Mag’har. I wanted to tame all beasts from Draenor, but I can’t because there isn’t enough space. I had to release all my draenor wasps, ravagers and river beasts, cause I’m currently taming the wolves, and I’ afraid there won’t be enough space for them either.

So, we need more stable slots, PLEASE!


Thank you guys! :smiley:

The more I look at him the more I like him. I was really surprised how well the saddle worked. He looks like a proper mount. Not the enlarged mounts we often have, not that I don’t mind those. lol When I got back in Boralus I couldn’t help but think he looked like a Tonka truck. :sweat_smile:

I wish Blizz would give you Warlocks more love. They aren’t just fun and entertaining for you. I get a kick out of hearing the various noises and soundbites they make. I think they need an Incubus to go along with the Succubus.


So ummm i went and tamed the rukh… i can say … if u get one that large taking him in a dungeon or raid would not be a good idea

I am the tiny blip under him… i was in Zuldazar after tame… i tried talent changing dismiss and recall lol…still huge


Delete the Creatures file that’s somewhere in WoW’s Cache folder, your bird is still cached as an untamable beast, that’s why it retained it’s huge size.

All those new tames where made available in two hotfixes instead of a patch, that’s why they appear buggy for some players. Taking it inside a dungeon, raid or BG will only be a problem if the other players also have them cached as untamable beasts.

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As of a today even more pets became tamable.

Note: Anzu is bugged at the moment as it is listed as tamable under Beast Lore but cannot be tamed at the moment.

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Would like a Blue post reply to this, But Ji-Kun is retaining his ability Infected Wounds upon being tamed, is this intended?

Man, I hate ToT with a passion. I think I’m going to have to skip these pets