Heads up, Hunters!

There are some new tames that just recently got added!

If you’re a Hunter who enjoys taming pets, you better go out there and collect some of these new beauties!

My Hunter is currently rocking two of the new Quilen that come from the ToT boss. I love them!


They are awesome, especially if you happen to have the Quilen mount you get from MoP CE which is a jade color version of those Quilens. RGB Quilens! Also they made the big burning Raven in Skyreach tameable which retains the massive size. That’s a lot of fun, lol.


Yeah, i tamed this one. Mine didn’t have any size problems though lol.

Nice, I like the new insect fliers and the Amani War Bears!


Just waiting for a Spirit beast Aqir otherwise Gondria is the only pet for me. The insects are pretty dope though. Those raptors too!

This happened earlier when I went to tame the fella. As you can see, the massive birb towers over me. I saw another hunter who tamed Rukhmar, she’s even larger.

https: //imgur .com/a/1uC2lWx

Here are the Quilens with my mount. A nice party.

https: //imgur .com/a/LMUQ8sr


Looks awesome!

But I am happy with my wolves midnight and dawn currently haha.

I might go and pick them up anyways. =P

Yikes, he’s a bit huge. lol


Still no alpacas!! :frowning:


I know! I was really hoping they’d let us tame them after introducing the vulpera…I really want one! :frowning:


Always good to have more tame options!

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Thanks. I didn’t know about this. Want one of the Mechanowolves.

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I ran out and tamed Rukhmar on my hunter before everyone starts complaining about hunters taming another mount dropping mob.

I need more stable slots Blizz.


do you have to be in BM to tame Rukhmar?

May need to go back to skyreach

Thank you for this.

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Rukhmar is a bird of prey so no. =3

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Someone posted about this in the hunter forums as well.
This is their post.

The link listed is https://www.wow-petopia.com/patch83.php
Credits goto the op of that post.

I wish hunter pets were account-wide so all my hunters could use them. Farming rare tames on more than one is too daunting for me to even try. Maybe someday :crossed_fingers:


I nabbed Corpse Eater last night. I’m thinking of making him my Animal Companion to enrage people that are blaming us for not getting the mount.

p.s. I really don’t care that much about the new pets. All they did was make large families larger and AGAIN ignored families that have like four colors.

How about you give us new:

  • Core Hounds
  • Shale Spiders
  • Dragonhawks
  • Monkeys
  • Bats
  • Toads

A Spirit Beast that’s not blue or blue or purple would be nice, too.