There are new tamable Aqir Wasps, Beetls, and Sitilids for 8.3!!
As a void elf ima get me one, who else is gonna have a fun new pet?
There are new tamable Aqir Wasps, Beetls, and Sitilids for 8.3!!
As a void elf ima get me one, who else is gonna have a fun new pet?
Tons of other pets too-- from Dread Ravens and Rocs to some the armored Siege of Orgrimmar wolves and the armored raptors from the areas near Throne of thunder. Best hotfix ever.
Somehow I missed all of this… was so focused on gearing and cape and neck lvls…
I’m gonna have to check out the link you provided.
I saw someone earlier saying Quilen were unlocked but now I am seeing much more than that was unlocked.
I grabbed Corpse Eater because he’s one of those rares that keeps their first and last name. I figured he would cause a lot of rage
(Funny thing is he shouldn’t cause rage with such a short respawn timer )
They do have that one feline with the crystal fixtures about itself. Might have to tame that one.
Wow awesome. I checked Petopia when the patch went live but wasn’t update apparently to show all those new games WOW. That clefthoof OMG and those new birds, get one to match my crow mount. I want to leave work early now lol, ok. Some new colors of silithids is a nice addition also.
You can tame the quilens from the iron Qon fight and jade ones from a scenario in MoP
They finally unlocked this one:
Been waiting for this one too
Hey, you had a cat, now you have a quilen.