Heads up for Hunters

It still happens. Pets act differently and are of less importance (overall) than they were in vanilla. I haven’t played since early BfA, and there were so many problems then that pets weren’t noticeable. The delay in Classic is much worse, though. There are workarounds but it’s still bad.

Blizzard’s choices with what they’re doing with Classic has certainly hurt my interest in playing it. I’m still wanting to play, but I’m not at all interested in a Hunter anymore. With spell batching as it is, I’m even less likely to play anything as it just doesn’t feel very good at all with the issues it causes. Maybe I’ll play a melee, as they seem to be the intended “best” class.

Hunters were kings of kiting, that was their strength. They’re not going to be able to do that anymore come Classic unless they get the jump on someone. That’s not accurate.

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Look at my class. Look at my level. I had not experienced ANY of what you claim. You are literally the first person I have ever heard of having pet issues. There were a couple of pathing issues in areas but it was VERY minor compared to past expansions and nothing to do with core pet mechanics.

I understand your frustration and we all hope the bugs get fixed by next stress test.

I have no stake in this other than to say I’ve seen a LOT of players make the same claims as this guy did about pet behavior in BfA being very unreliable. A lot of unresponsiveness. So you can say he’s the first person you’ve seen make such a statement, but I’ve seen it plenty.

It’s on your bag bar in one of the bag slots. If it’s invisible, how are you going to know if you have enough ammo or not before going on a run, or even just going out questing? Has to be visible, but not necessarily visible “on” the character. But a visual skin is DEFINITELY necessary.

Lol… That being a thing even is just… xD

Oh dear, how will they ever cope?

No seriously, all this dramatic nonsense over nothing. Bugs will be fixed, some just might take a lot longer, big deal?

Enjoy the jankyness while it lasts. You’re still playing the easiest class.

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Because immersion.

That’s true. It IS the easiest class to play, right from the start. But that’s also the reason behind a vast majority of hunters being called “huntards.” It’s the easiest to pick up and play, unless one wants to play it to its fullest potential. It’s like golf … easy to learn how to hit the ball, shooting par or below par is a bit more difficult, and sinking a hole-in-one is rare.

Same with playing a hunter. Easy to play, but playing it effectively and efficiently isn’t quite that easy. That’s where a lot of players fall down … going the extra mile to learn it inside and out, when to do what, what not to do and when not to do it, taking into account abilities of other classes in the group, learning hunter responsibilities to other group members, etc.

There’ll be the usual number of huntards in classic, just like there were in vanilla.


“bugs will be fixed”

Some bugs from vanilla still aren’t fixed today in Retail. Just saying.

Hunters have been a class that have been known for its bugs.


If I end up playing classic I plan on making some video guides on how to hunter in groups, but I’m hoping someone beats me to it and does it better. (No beta invite means I can’t do the videos yet, sad times)


Aaaaaand that somehow makes it reasonable to expect those bugs to be fixed for classic?..

Easiest class with the highest skill ceiling :exploding_head:

Come back when you’re 2,200+ anything on a hunter and tell me how easy it was.


No, it shows to not be overly hopeful on them fixing these bugs.

The statement yes. The actuality of the mechanics no.

Like I mentioned there are a couple of areas with pathing but no delay in attack or command of pets.

no delay in retail btw

gee I wonder what’s this then

Just because you don’t notice it because retail doesn’t require you to micro your pet doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

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That is how move pet works. If that is what you are basing all this off of then you miss the pail.

Telling your pet to park somewhere requires a few more steps than say an attack. You have to ping the map where you want the pet to be. That has to be sent to the server while your pet starts to translate to the spot. Your pet’s hitbox is moving itself to that loc and sending updates to the server so they coordinate. That is why it appears to be slow.

If he showed a distinct lag when attacking the target dummy before the pet attacks then that will speak to the bug in classic. But pets attack when they are supposed to.

I’m currently running up a hunter on a different server than this one. There is MOST ASSUREDLY a delay in my bear (tank) pet attacking. I send it, it looks left then right, then hunches up like it’s getting ready to run, then actually runs to the targeted mob and starts attacking. That’s not lag, it’s not a built-in delay, it’s a bug. It’s been around since TBC’s opening of Gruul’s lair. It’s been reported “fixed” on at least three occasions that I can recall, but the reports were wrong. It happened in Wrath, it happened in Crapaclysm, it happened in Pandaria, it happened in WoD, it happened in Legion, it’s still happening. The work-around is to send the pet, fire concussion first followed immediately by Kill Command. THEN I can start my rotation.

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Do you get wonky pet interactions from time to time? Sure.
Is this the norm? No

If “it” is still happening, one must consider its not the skill or system, but how it’s designed.

So you are saying your pet is not picking up agro at the start of your engagement? Is growl turned on or are you soloing with it off?

Does classic have some command and go issues? Yes. Is it a known bug? Yes. Will they work on it? I believe its probably on top of the list. But it’s not the same thing you are trying to describe as being around forever.

I do not understand what you are talking about. I personally have NOT had that many issues with my pets through all xpacs up to and including BFA

that would be the warlock by far.

And he does exactly that. The first /petattack has no delay. The /petfollow afterwards has a 0.5s delay. Ditto for the following /petattack, and practically every other /petattack and /petfollow have varying degrees of lag.

I’m not sure if you think that a 500ms delay on pet commands is perfectly fine or if you looked at the first petattack and then stopped paying attention. There’s a significant delay between the “click” made by clicking the pet commands and the pet executing them.


Let me rephrase.

If he shows a distinct lag with a pet NOT in cower then I would be more apt to believe the evidence put forth.

The fact of the matter to me is first, .5? No… There is no considerable lag displayed.

What are you expecting?
What are you looking for?
Why are you even arguing something that does not have merit on the “real” issues found in the classic beta?