Heads up blizzard

update: Is dispelling World Buffs now bannable?


it’s over, player unbanned gm fired.

Please check what happened on EU classic.

tldr- gm banned guy who dispelled his favorite streamer with world buff for 6 months.

[quote=“Yasuna-draenor, post:5, topic:166277, full:true”]
Gonna be honest: This GM needs to no longer be a GM. This is nothing but streamer privilege and abuse of power by a GM who is a fanboy of said streamer.

Ridiculous to think that the guy literally said “Hey [GM], wanna ban a guy?” and said GM was actually in his chat and said “yeah sure”.
If this is okay then I don’t know what to say.
[/quote]strong text



If true, then wow, that GM should get fired, or at least given a different job, like scrubbing toilets.


That dispeller is hilarious though

Did they banned a player for dispelling a member of the other faction on a PvP server? I mean is that GM just looking to find another job or what? If they didn’t want “world buffs” to be dispelled, they should code them that way.

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How is dispelling buffs against the rules? Why is a streamer telling a Blizzard GM what to do? hope this GM loses his job this just adds to the dumpster fire classic is

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Yes , in pvp server…i mean…that is what PVE server are for…

I said it in the classic forum thread this needs to be seen by low to mid management at blizzard so they can dicipline that corrupt GM clearly violating blizzards employee policy and ToS by effectively real life money trading
(He banned the guy and the streamer gave him a sub for free for doing it instantly)

So basically what we learned is playing WoW Classic is worse then playing on a private server.

I don’t play classic (much) but back in Vanilla there were people who lived in BRM all week just looking to screw with raiders. Was all part of the fun.

But the probability of Blizzard caring about this is pretty low. You know, the blue line and what not. :sweat_smile:

it is, it’s not the first time it happened that GM abused his powers. Check Eu classic forums.

go to pve server then?

Yeah I was just looking into this GM and this streamer(not gonna use their names) it appears the streamer got banned and this very GM unbanned him. Dear god Blizzard what the hell

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Why would I if I thought it was fun?

I mean as far as I’m aware those places never had corrupt staff members working for them but I never played any of that so I can’t be sure either way not a very good look for Blizzard right now.

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Yeah I’d take a free server with corrupt staff over a monthly sub with corrupt staff. this garbage needs to be fixed


sorry misread. I mean, if raiders dont want such things to happen they should go pve servers. :slight_smile:

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It’s not true, that streamer was using a private server and the whole thing was staged.

rofl… IT IS TRUTH.

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I really do hope that GM was fired, and I would expect a post from Blizzard to all the community properly addressing this situation.

Good that the gm was fired. I have zero sympathy for using your position to give bias. And should be held accountable.

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