Headless Horseman Reins

Was any of that supposed to make sense?

In your case, you get confused very easily, so no, it wasn’t.

Proof you’ve never met me.

I’m a scrub.

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Same as you - never see it drop and d it daily - it’s just bad rng bud. /shrug

Yeah there is - there’s a 0.1% chance.

Again in each of these instances there is a 0.1% chance.

No - what one persons chance is has no bearing on what another’s is. You’re not assessing this as a cumulative chance against a sample of 1 person, that’s not how this works.

You don’t know how math works.

Lol - Um if you think the chance for something to happen across a sample changes based on sequence you don’t know how maths works. Each roll of the die is independent. The actual chance of a given roll is not influenced by previous rolls. The chance of getting a given sequence is a different question, you are assessing the chance of a specific ordered sequence of results in that case. But each independent roll still has the same odds, it’s odds don’t magically change.

The chance of a given sequence ever occuring is dependent on the sample. That is, if the sequence has a 1 in 100 chance and you have a sample of 10 people then you will be far less likely to see it happen than if you have 1000 people. The semantics are important here they - the chance of it happening within a sample of people is not the same question as it’s odds of happening independently.

The upshot is that we have no way of knowing what your anecdote suggests even if we grant that it is true without assessing it across a representative sample.

I got it two days in a row. Too bad I can’t sell my extra.

Reporting in… still no mount for me… :upside_down_face:

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I got one in a bag yesterday, so it’s definitely in there.
(9:26 PM 10/24/2023)
Edit: I got the plate helmet today, not that I’ll ever use it. It’s 232 and I have 245. It’s already obsolete. I put it in the bank next to the 200 version from last year.

I’m heading home in a bit to try my luck once again!!! Eeeeek!!!

I got it!!! Lololol :scream::star_struck::ghost:


Same - 4 days in a row now I have received nothing in the pumkin loot bag except the two guaranteed Frost badges …

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3-4+ mounts on Retail over the years (starting from 2010) and not one drop for me here in Classic.

One of y’all braggers should hand over your extra horse cause I wanna d*e rn.

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I heard the drop rate was increased by .1% or maybe even an entire %. You see lots more of them now in Wrath only because they are all account bound.

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Lol - every day on all my alts, not a single drop. Mostly just got Frost badges. It’s definitely rng.


Now that it’s over…

6 toons and didn’t miss a day doing the run

Day4 or5 I think, I got it. Saw it 3 more times lol. so 4 times 6 toons over what…two weeks? Some people never saw it.

Got helm on DK with two days left.

Saw one dude get two reins in one bag

I think reins, helm and sword were all the same drop rate. Many never saw helm and yet I have 3 on all alts. Only 1 reins and never once saw the sword drop for me…

I went 0/98 this year (altaholic). Some of my guildies ran it only on one character and saw it multiple times.