Headless horseman mount drop %

Did they add the bad luck protection to these holiday event type mount yet?

I’m 0/540/60 (forgot my level 50s count as well) this year if that helps answer your question.

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No, they haven’t. I have the mount and think they should.

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As usual Devs forgot to do something about it, like a simple drop change meanwhile other bad luck mechanics are implemented…

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I think the drop rate for the HH’s mount is about 0.000000000000000000001%.


I don’t think they said anything about bad luck protection or changes to any mount but the love rocket.

Am I imagining things? I could have sworn that when I got it about a decade ago, the drop rate with significantly higher.

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It wasn’t a promise but it was being discussed:

However; it seems like it takes more that 8 months to do this kind of change :confused:

As they so often say, they were going to think about it.

Yeah, maybe they’re still thinking about the WoD tmogs removed during SL launch.

i’ve already had it drop twice for this year’s event amongst my 27 characters queuing up. i worry more about the helm dropping for plate classes and the sword for those who could usefully equip it