Headless Horseman Dungeon Way Overtuned

Its somewhat harder at lower levels. I just healed one ona level 19 Reso Shaman and I had like 4 heals maybe? Nothing like the big bank of extra heals Id have at 70 or 80, and no Hero talents. Things differ depending on individual situations, I guess.


Correct, only the people who opt into the mechanics have to deal with them.

Also, if you screw up, it won’t kill you, it will just take away your chance at bonus loot, so your group can still finish.


I legitimately thought OP posted a copypasta

they’re complaining about dying to an opt-in challenge that is supposed to be hard.

you gotta be kidding me

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That makes sense.

Feral getting slowed down and getting their range taken away feels awful to play for me, so it got me to branch out into bear and try some tanking. Maybe I’ll give healing a go as well.

I’ve facerolled this like 6 or 7 times today…


Yeah, at the time of the post, I meant to add that, but then as I loaded in, I asked for all 4 curses on my Monk and nailed 3 achieves.

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Lolwut? This dungeon is easy. It’s one boss with zero trash. The mechanics are not any harder than any TWW Normal boss. So glad they changed it to not be completely braindead. Loot pinatas are not fun.

I see, I noticed the things at the start but didn’t bother - I was just there to collect the scarecrow transmog pieces.

I honestly forgot about seeing those, but I recall that happening on a few characters. You can blame FFXIV for that part, dealing with that type of mechanic was so instinctive that I forgot that I even saw it.

… hell, I’m used to dealing with that mechanics mixed with 2-3 other AoEs at the same time.

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The point isn’t that it’s hard, because it’s not. But it has essentially 1 shot mechanics on a Halloween boss. I’m gonna keep it real with you chief, event bosses like this should be braindead easy damn near impossible to die to. Everyone regardless of skill level should be able to easily do it. There’s really no reason for the boss to hit that hard. I get it, “git gud” it’s an easy boss for most of us sure, but still my mom for example died to it a few times because she’s older and her reaction time isn’t very good, she clicks and keyboard turns etc. There’s a lot of players like that who just play super casually for fun, there’s no reason for them to have a worse experience in a Holiday Dungeon.


I’m not sure when they did this, but it’s definitely not the first year.

I get it, it should be fun but it should not be AFK easy. There is a middle ground and I think they nailed it with the HH, and especially with the hard mode.

Also even if 1 person fails it shouldn’t matter unless it’s the tank or maybe healer. A dps going down should still allow the fight to be completed.

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Well, since we are in the zone of keeping it “a hundid” as these kids say today, I don’t think ANY boss outside of Mythic Difficulty should be difficult period. Leave all the mechanics in Heroics and Mythics and turn every other boss, including world bosses into Story Mode ez downs. I play to relax… not watch 20 minutes of YouTube just to learn ONE fight :rofl:

Sometimes it feels amazing to know, “Hey, I had to solo that world boss cause no one else was around in Ringing Deeps!”. But then the other side of me is like “Yeah, but it took 18 minutes to bring him down 700M health!”. So believe me, I am not one of these M+ “get guud” (insert subterranean insult here). I am a casual who does almost exclusively solo content minus LFR. So I agree, holiday boss should NOT hit like a Train, let alone a Warhead.


I’ve done it with multiple characters and only seen one person die so far.

Who was using this for xp?

Its never been a good source, even years back. Especially with the other option being vanilla tw that give you several levels a dungeon sub 70.

Nothing, just Iflame and their trollish non-sense. HH hits hard, but not THAT hard lol

I’m with you OP.
I just qued with a random group and the tank decided to put on the curses but not tell anyone, so we wiped once. Was realllllly hard to keep up everyone as heals when they were standing in stuff etc. Got it on the 2nd try but it was a lot different from my other toons I ran it on.


im still trying to figure out how to avoid the flame breath or whatever it is lol! Seriously the first time it hit me and i swear i was far enough away yet i still died. Was on a caster. Did it again on another caster blinked to the far side of the map during that thinking ok im so far away from this dude i should be safe… ummm nope i got half my health taken from me! Of course we had a great healer in that one unsure of their lvl!!

However did it on 2 melee under 60 and nothing happened, other than a smidgen of my health dropping! So yeah still trying to figure that flame of death thing out lol!


Wholehearted agree with this.
… but WoW is quite notorious for missing that “middle ground” in most situations.


Curses only impact the player who has them on and if you die with curses, they are disabled and you’re healed to full. This cheat death makes curses easier than no curses.

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It comes out in sort of directed straight line rays with gaps between. Ive found if you position between the beams it misses you.

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