Who we are!
Dréad Légion is a new guild, recently moved from Westfall, to Ashkandi. We consist of Original TBC veterans who cleared Sunwell Pre-Nerf, and longtime players as well as new players experiencing the world of Burning Crusade. We believe in diversity, which means you will run into people of different experiences, culture, so forth. Some members remember a time of community in World of Warcraft and we hope to bring that to the new players of the game. We want people to have fun and enjoy hanging out with people.
Who we are recruiting!
Anyone who enjoys being around people, having a good laugh and making new friends. We are looking for people who are 18+ who can function as a team and value people over the purple pixels of gear.
What are our plans and what are we doing?
We're recruiting people to the guild...anyone still leveling, fresh level 60s (boosted or not) just entering Outland and outrunning the Fel Reaver or just like minded veterans. Helping guildies run dungeons or with quests. Once the team is up in higher levels, run dungeons nightly or every other night to help gear up everyone and increase teamwork.We will begin to raid when we have a team and if we do not; we are working with another guild to ally with to attack and lay waste to end-game content. We’re not in any rush.
Who to contact for an invite or want to know more?
Either contact me in game or one of the officers, add me to BNET at LaBelleMorte#1606 or contact me on discord: Raevon#1302