*update. Currently the guild is going through some revision and rebuilding, as a number of the old raid team has left to play with others on another server, we wish them the best in all their future endeavors. At the moment we have a more casual group of people doing heroic, as well as a portion of players starting to do rbgs. These are all low stakes, but that doesn’t mean these are carries. We expect everyone when raiding/pvping to always striving for improvement and be open to constructive criticism. Role wise, we are looking for most everything,ESPECIALLY HEALERS,lol. Hit up Thardiac, corrdelia, antistar,pterokk or myself on this toon or Manada.
Thank you to my officer…PTEROKK(*coughs ocren),for helping me with this post.
*bump. Leveling possibly 2 healers for rbgs/M+(specially after the new changes coming in the next patch), still, we are looking for healers of all types and a mix of dps for rbg comps. Have several people who have been working on building teams and having a larger pool of players will help in eventually having different teams running.
Bumpity bumps. DVII is having a guild meeting tonight at 8pm server in the valley of honor. afterwards we will probably move out for some wpvp if enough are interested and theres people to fight out there. In terms of recruitment, we are still looking for healers,Disc priest would be great for our rbg pools. for raiding we would like to find another tank with a dps off spec, and a dk dps spec. Hit up thardiac, PTEROKKcoughs and corrdelia for more details.
Any chance you guys are looking for a bear druid been looking for a guild to join up with can off spec boom if need be.
yeah hit up Pterokk, hes been leading the raid group recently
Bump it up, bump it real good. Guilds always looking for more for every roll. Getting our groove back after a few weeks of stagnation. hit up our recruiting officers or if you see me on my pally or rogue, (or just go through the guild app as well). Wanting to expand the pool of players for several rbg groups of varying lvls, our chill herioc raid group and more.
^^ said paladin. kinda enjoy healing lately.
Do you have a discord?
We do. If you have any questions about the guild etc, feel free to whisper me this toon or my rogue above ingame.
The first of every month one of my officers will be organizing wpvp, attacking SW. Friends are welcome.
Update. Our raiders who were taking it easy have decided to take break for a while. Attendance was starting to slip and general burn out with the tier effecting others. Having said that, we will take time to build up a core for people to raid come 9.1. In the mean time general focus will be around doing rbgs, wpvp, events and just taking it easy till the next major content patch.
Holyforest is really bad at the game.
Thanks for the free bump, but holly is in WSB, go bump them now.
*dusts off thread. So friday we ran 2 rbg groups, mostly with guildes and friends of the guild, having said that we are looking for more to come hang out even if you arent interested in rbgs. Role/spec wise priests(disc/holy/shadow), locks and just range dps in general would have an easier time being added in for games. Hit me up, antistar, Thardiac for more info
*kicks door down. SO! TBC is launching soon and…we dont have any serious plans to play over there outside of lvling toons and messing around from time to time. The vast majority of the guilds focus is on retail , rbgs specifically, were a number of people who just started doing them this season are now pushing to 1800. Having said that we are just shy of being able to field 2 teams atm, mostly healing and dps roles needing to be filled, though a few FC toons would be nice so we can rotate some of our main fcs out. As we get closer to 9.1 pve plans will start being panned out, prob just doing normal to herioc then seeing how many would actually want to do mythic. Outside of those things we have generally been active, if not chill about it, while in this dead part waiting for the patch. IDK what other guilds are doing but if your bored you can hit us up when doing events or rbgs,YOU DONT HAVE TO LEAVE YOUR GUILD TO JOIN US FOR THOSE, we are open to others just wanting to chill with us, its boring for everyone,lets fix that.
*Opens up window, starts sweeping the dust off. I really should update these forum posts more often, but ive been rather busy actually playing the game instead of misery posting on the forums. Anyways, guild is starting raids again, normal atm, once a week atm and just pretty chill. We also have people getting more serious in rbgs, il probably lead a casual group in a few weeks just to get some rating/mounts and to have fun. We are always looking for more to hang out,wpvp been fun when ally arent hiding, hope to continue that in korthia.
Hello there(in an Obi-wan kinda voice). Just wondering if you guys/gals are still looking for people to do rbgs and raids.
My guild recently died, we were basically a heroic raid guild of former hardcore but now casual players but after a few raid nights of 6 people online recently it was called and the guild is dead.
I’m more recently interested in pvp, haven’t done competitive pvp since 1800 RBG in MoP days but I’m a fully geared and ready necro demo lock for some pvp and maybe pve, just don’t want to burn out(this exp is wearing thin with all the daily must do grinds). I enjoy blowing up filthy Alliance in the bgs.
About me: played Warlock since Vanilla, former hardcore raider, cleared all tbc and wrath raid content complete sunwell and h-lk while current, mythic raider through MoP, casual rated pvp in MoP. Love the game, hate the systems on top of systems but I’m too old school RPG player to let go of my character, this character is who I am in the virtual world, for better or worse. Oh, and I am full of horribly bad puns.
If you are still looking friend me: Dettocs#1470