One of the longest running guilds on the server is looking for players for M+,raiding(heroic/mythic), PvP(arena,rbgs,wpvp). Generally pretty relaxed guild atmosphere made up of working adults,police bears,smol fox’s,yeti monks,undead capitalists,pyromaniacs,Eggs and a Pirate lord. Hit up myself,Thardiac,Moonsinara,Tess,or Corrdelia for more info
Before joining Division VII I was a middle aged Gnome working as a mechanostrider polisher in slums of Ironforge. Now I’m 6’ 10", immortal, and have a job that lets me devour all the Alliance souls I want! Thanks Division VII!
I am the blue bear of Emerald Dream, and I approve this message.
Does Spartanics still play?
French toast fridays,coming up with alternate guild names and ranks(questionable meats with guild master rank of sausage maker) are among some of the things we do, but we are always looking for more.
yes, but not on ED, I am captain now. Hit up terran empire on tich
He runs a guild on Tich that actually does WPVP. D7 doesn’t really have a name in WPVP since he left. Sad really
I dont have sparta’s recognized name, that’s true. What I do have is years of experience being an officer/Guild master in PvE and PvPguilds, so I try to offer my guild more than just group finder lag scale fights, such as raiding,M+,BG/arenas and eventual RBGs as well as Wpvp that doesnt take 30 seconds to register an action. I dont need to bark about how active the guild is in trade or the forums, we do alright for the most part.
thats a good thing. be you…not sparta
I’ve been in this guild not long ago and have to say that Maharat is an exceptional leader. Very chill and friendly and active and mature. If I weren’t switching to Alliance this expansion, I’d be in D7.
I asked about Spartanics out of curiosity regarding leadership but I’m glad to see it’s as it is.
Good Gm, has the respect of peers…enough said
D7 is always defending Org or Troll Town even when they are outnumbered. They are good Horde filth and always game to fight.
Ruin Lite ain’t nothing to boast about.
I always enjoy killing D7 members! Great guild.
For all those ally in the thread that responded, we too also like wiping your groups, often with less,once we actually get serious and group up. *places cookies down as a gift
Good to see you guys still kickin’.
Is it April already
Having a guild meeting tonight to cap off the end of this expansion. Always looking for more, hit up the officers listed up or myself
Did you know that Division VII is the number three producer of solar powered microwaves in all of Kalimdor? As a special offer if you join Division VII in the next 20 minutes we’ll let you pet one of our fantastic microwaves free of charge!
When do you guys raid and what’s your attendance rules