Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 pm, server time. Attendance rules speak to Chungo or Tissuefox, they are the officers who work on the raid.
I’m very interested in joining the guild for M+ and raiding in Shadowlands. I am wanting to be very active in the raiding content during this expansion and I know Division VII is a very well known guild.
Lookin to talk to somebooty about joining, if’n you need a resto shaman. Not having much luck using /who lookin’ for folks
Guilds began raiding again, our resident meme lord has started doing videos!
What are your raid times, and what do you mostly need for raids?
tues-thurs 7:30-10:30 server time, that group is the mythic trial, we are also doing a more laid back group on saturdays. Hit up chungo,tissue and Pterokk if you want more info.
What if I am bad…and I just want to pvp and M+ and need to be carried? Can I join D7?
Absolute 15 years and running.
Guilds currently 7/10 H atm, looking for ranged dps(mage pref) to help round out the raid before going into mythic. Hit up tissue fox or chungo about the raid team. A few groups for rbgs have been slowly coalescing,starting it casually then see who wants to push for rating as time goes on.
Other than that we maintain an active roster, usually 40/50+ online in the evenings and are always looking for more to hang out with.
Playtime hours?
7:30-10:30 server time for the raids on tues/thurs
Great guild with nice folks and regularly scheduled events. Highly recommended.
Thanks for the kind words, we do what we can for the guild. *slips 50 gold and a stack of oreos
*update. Guild raid team is now 9/10H. Some guildies are making yolo rbg teams for fun and we are having our first guild meeting of the new year on saturday night, we promise not to sit in Org on our mounts.
I would love to join for mostly RBGs but I am also 10/10N and 4/10H.
Maha is one of the most level headed, and chill folks I’ve met. His guild members reflect that!
I’m currently an Enh Shammy ilvl 210 10/10H looking for a guild willing to push for CE.
There’s been some changes to the guild and raid team. We are currently looking for Tank and heals with dps off spec for some semi casual heroic prog. Hit up myself,Pawcren/pterokk or thardiac about it
Division VII was a great guild when I was in it. When they faction changed to Horde back in Legion, I was the first big name player they landed. I brought instant credibility, and was instrumental in building a solid foundation for both PvP and PvE. I lead daily small-scale WPvP events where we demolished Alliance so badly that they would have to either hearth or log. As the top DK tank on the realm (wowprogress ranking), I did M+ carries to gear our members up. Everyone loved me. It was a sad day when I retired.