HCT LXVI Less Stable Slots NOW!

08/27/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Lazyguide
08/27/2018 05:25 PMPosted by Whim
...I never had time for mythic runs, and when I could solo it in Legion I just wasn't interested. If I hated him, I wouldn't tame him now. I spent most of Legion with a schedule that would not allow me to raid.
Ah, I see. That makes sense.

I just dinged, 120 now :D!
Double tapped...
08/27/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Whim
08/27/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Lazyguide
...Ah, I see. That makes sense.

I just dinged, 120 now :D!

08/27/2018 05:58 PMPosted by Whim
Double tapped...
Lol. I'm hoping my armory updates soon. Made some changes to my Horde Pride set that I love so much for transmog.
Grats, Lazy!

I feel like rockin' my tweaked Wrathful mog for a while.
08/27/2018 06:36 PMPosted by Yjjial
Grats, Lazy!

I feel like rockin' my tweaked Wrathful mog for a while.
I enjoyed that particular set from back then. Can't fault you :P. And thanks!
08/27/2018 06:42 PMPosted by Lazyguide
08/27/2018 06:36 PMPosted by Yjjial
Grats, Lazy!

I feel like rockin' my tweaked Wrathful mog for a while.
I enjoyed that particular set from back then. Can't fault you :P. And thanks!
I think it's mostly that there are so few sets that look good on dwarves/doesn't have a doofy helmet (glares at scourge and yaungol stalker sets).
I want to use a hood, but with male worgens it looks like the Cone of Shame.
Worgen and helms have issues with one another. For male worgen, most plate helms are open at the bottom and look like they are cutting through your neck.

My dk is female because it’s muted on a female worgen, as the head isn’t craned so far forward on the neck.

Now it’s just a matter of whether the mane clipping through the back looks natural, or if the helm is close enough in color to blend in with the hair.

Granted, 30% of plate helms look stupid when you muzzle sticks out. The others are more natural.
Years and years ago, in Vanilla, I learned that helmets rarely (if ever) look good on Tauren, so I've grown used to having the helm turned off all the times -- and this habit has carried over into my non-Tauren characters. It's such a strong habit that even if the helmet looks cool on my character, I still would have it turned off.

Thanks, Blizzard, you've ruined helmets for me. :P
08/28/2018 06:47 AMPosted by Watermist
Years and years ago, in Vanilla, I learned that helmets rarely (if ever) look good on Tauren, so I've grown used to having the helm turned off all the times -- and this habit has carried over into my non-Tauren characters. It's such a strong habit that even if the helmet looks cool on my character, I still would have it turned off.

Thanks, Blizzard, you've ruined helmets for me. :P
That was always their agenda.

Turn everyone away from helmets. Cause uh..

*checks list for conspiracy of the day*

The gnomes face recognition software needs to clearly see your face to take over all of Azeroth!
Man, it is hilarious to watch auction house barons raging at the proposed changes. Not realizing that if they post things resonably, they get their entire deposit back. Price reasonably? Nah, cry on the forums.
08/28/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Firekatkid
Man, it is hilarious to watch auction house barons raging at the proposed changes. Not realizing that if they post things resonably, they get their entire deposit back. Price reasonably? Nah, cry on the forums.
I read up on the change a little bit ago.

Thank the lord they are killing stacks of 1 on a piece of leather and spreading it over 30 pages in the AH.

That crap is annoying.
I'm up to 331 as SV and 328 for the other two, and I'm stuck in a leveling guild for the moment.
08/28/2018 05:40 PMPosted by Whim
I'm up to 331 as SV and 328 for the other two, and I'm stuck in a leveling guild for the moment.
I may have been a jerk earlier to get a bounty on my head.

Plus side, I got the alliance slayer title.

Down side, I may have made a low level rage at me while I was fighting other people. Ah well.

Trying to find a guild or just relaxing in that one for now?
08/28/2018 05:42 PMPosted by Lazyguide
I may have been a jerk earlier to get a bounty on my head.

Plus side, I got the alliance slayer title.

Down side, I may have made a low level rage at me while I was fighting other people. Ah well.
Nice going there. :p

08/28/2018 05:42 PMPosted by Lazyguide
Trying to find a guild or just relaxing in that one for now?
My Rogues in a good guild I think, I might shift him there.
Just had the gosh dang most wholesome time in Vol'Dun. I play with warmode because I like the added danger, but the times where you can /emote to others and do things like fish together or help each other on a wq. It was just so heartwarming.

Except this one pally who I kept knocking off of this pier because he was so determined to slap me. After he raised my hand I taught him a lesson and he too became nice.

It was a nice day.

Edit: I accidentally a word.
08/28/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Yjjial
Just had the gosh dang most wholesome time in Vol'Dun. I play with warmode because I like the added danger, but the times where you can /emote to others and do things like fish together or help each other on a wq. It was just so heartwarming.

Except this one pally who I kept knocking off of this pier because I was so determined to slap me. After he raised my hand I taught him a lesson and he too became nice.

It was a nice day.
I'm giving it a try on my rogue. It was too laggy before.
I boosted a Tauren monk and I'm going sort of hard mode rolling in the 177 boost gear. It can be pretty brutal at times given your average mob takes about 1/2 my health even with Spear Hand Strike, Leg Sweep, and War Stomp. (Almost to 117.)

Pulled 2 hyenas going into Snarltooth's den, died, tried again, barely survived. Checked the Combat Log and Recount and both showed I only took ~15K damage despite having ~30K health and nearly dying.

Riding through Nazmir to a quest objective I passed into a kind of circular formation in the trees and suddenly had an Alliance camp phase into existence around me. Unpleasant!

Flipping to Brewmaster when other players are around and having the Priest heal/tag or the Frost Mage add DPS makes things so smooth and fast though. Pity no one wants to group since that lowers your XP gains lol.
Pet sitting again for another week now.

Which means no WoW for me.

Plus side, I get to catch up on my reading and my pokemon.

Also curious to see what gearing up will be like, and how it will effect my pets' ability to tank. The lack of samage reductions for pets in general is a bit worrying. Clefthoof seem like the best choice right now, ferocity's leech seems to be the saving grace right now for possibly trying to solo content.
I hate posting on my phone.