HC server is Pay to Win. How is that Hardcore?

Exactly. The addon is insufficient, and why I request support officially as an option.

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If RMT is an issue for you, and you think it’s caused by the AH, which you want to get rid of, why are you even buying stuff on it? Why aren’t you being self sufficient? Herbing especially for black lotus was boring in classic, but never that difficult unless you only log in during prime time, and then it’s not bots causing your problems.

If you do choose to use the AH to buy your black lotus/Petri flasks, BOTs would drive the price down, not up, because they will add to the market. Either way. as most black lotus spawns are in more dangerous areas, herbing will be risky. So yes, they will be expensive, however that’s due to limited supply, not RMT.

Again, though why if you don’t want the AH, are you buying anything off it, you can be self sufficient, or you can choose to trade only with people in your own guild. Personally I have always farmed my own mats, so again not an issue.

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You generally have the right idea but the wrong conclusion.

Bots literally make it harder for you to farm your own mats, its a fact. They operate 24/7 so prime time doesnt really matter

Prices derive from supply and demand, so if there are bots selling gold, there are people buying gold. The supply for Black Lotus has a limit based on CD, it is objectively fixed, but the demand for them is dependant on how many buyers we have. So the more demand, the more expensive BL`s will be, whereas the supply is always the same.

If RMT is present, there will be more tourists who will boost / buy their way through content, further increasing demand.

So yeah, bots in general are lame and contribute more to inflation than they fight against it.


Alright, I have to ask, what are you asking for? I’m not sure what/where you stand on what actually is Solo, self found.

As to me, the ability to group during a SSF play through is the more of the joke and less the addon itself.

It will be dead in a month. Who cares


It’s a fad like “fresh servers” were when WotLKC came out.
How are those servers faring now?

Personally, I don’t group at all when playing SSF. The addon allows it, but like appeals, I don’t feel grouping goes with the tag. If it were supported, it should be a solo journey imo.

Stop crying.

The HC server should literally be nothing but WOW with a single life… if people wanna waste their money on gold-buying… who cares? Y’all are so focused on what others are doing.

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There’s so many differing challenges it seems to me it would be hard to cover them all. Ultimately I would hope Blizzard could add a few settings/visual cues for people to readily id others sharing a journey under similar conditions.

My only concern is that the servers not be held back until that additional programing is ready if Blizzard will offer it. It’s a shame that not everyone will be pleased no matter what Blizz does.

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Posters here have spoken out against this too.
Whatever, we either play it as is or we don’t. I feel like it’s going to be fubar in short order.

It’s a discussion. No one is upset here kiddo.

I do, gold buying affects everyone.


Actually it doesn’t. People are so caught up in the RMT argument as the reason for their issues and why they are struggling that they fail to understand the real cause of many of them.

While it could impact some people, many of those who feel they are impacted will be the ones which play the least or are the least self sufficient, they will often lag well behind in content, and look at the AH as the solution for their needs, not planning ahead more than a few days. They will also tend to make false assumptions, thinking everyone has the same problems, so the only way the other people can not have those issues is obviously through RMT.

Looking at specifically at HC and classic for the most part, consumes outside of NAXX were never expensive, and with an herbalist you could easily farm all your herbs. Additionally with the exception of Petri flasks, the cost for consumes will go down since a lot of the cost is due to using large volumes due to dying, this will not an issue on Official, as there will likely be a small raiding contingent it also means there won’t be a huge demand for some things.

Really the only item I can see that might be problematic is the Petri flask, and thats due to the rarity of Black Lotus but it wasn’t hard to farm in classic though which had bots so it should be fine in HC, I do expect them to be expensive though. This could be fixed in several ways, you could switch the black lotus so it is a random drop on a normal herb like TBC/WOTLK, and or you could make changes to the petri flask, to simply prevent its reuse in a short timeframe say 2-4 weeks.

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I disagree.

Gold buying has never affected me in all my years – now 11 – of playing IronMan (the OG hardcore challenge). It has but seldom affected my normal characters, and I have to agree with Kynsa that the “Gold buying affects my game” is mostly in the mind of the player.

I think this is quite true. People are primed to see RMT, gold buying and botting as the cause of their problems, so they do not look further.

I’m sorry but these are huge assumptions being made on player behavior in my opinion. If the Bloodsail has been any indication, there will be even more people shooting for end content.

It literally already isn’t that. If you want to dungeon spam or get power-leveled, you are SOL. Why? Because it’s a Hardcore server, and that implies more than just permadeath. That has been established by the community and by Blizzard in their rules of engagement post already.

All I’m asking is that they extend the same attitude towards trading and AH the same way the community did, and use new technologies or ideas to make this happen. In my opinion, we don’t need to get rid of trading or AH to make it Hardcore, just limit them to eliminate the obvious problems this will cause long term.

I get that people are trying to protect some integrity in hc,

what’s to stop a level 60 from selling baby sitting services for hard quests and end zones.

Level 60 could sell runs for gear not xp.

There so many ways to skirt ssf it’s not worth even bothering adding trivial restrictions.

In ssf id just have a an ungrouped healer following me around.

Of course you do, the question is why do you disagree? Your whole premise is you want things to be more SSF (solo self sufficient) but then you’re complaining about others people as if they are forcing you to buy stuff from them. The thing is it’s easy to be self sufficient, and if you are then RMT will have little if any impact on you.

So what are you struggling with?

It’s not hard to properly prepare (world buffs and all consumes) for a raid. Most servers even tell you when all the world buffs are going out, and farming herbs is as simple as it gets. Are you not able to do this, and if so what are you struggling with? If it’s finding herbs, try gathering at different times, primetime is a poor time. Ultimately consumes should cost you practically nothing, even for Naxx.

Are you unable to gear out? You can get most of the way to being a solid raid member through dungeons, quests, 0.5 tier and through ZG/AQ20 which should be easier to find raids as well as get items. Look at crafted options. Then make sure your gear is enchanted. Run lots of dungeons, yes some of your gear might be blue, but it will still be better or comparable to a lot of the epic bwl/mc gear.

The big problem you will have is finding raids in ERA is going to be challenging since few real guilds are doing actual content anymore, this means when you raid, you’re likely going as a pug, and most geared players will also have little motivation to join your pugs, which does lead to more GDKP raids.

The biggest thing you want to do is show that you’re not a carry, coming to raids prepared (buffs, consumes, gear), knowing the fights, and doing credible dps will have a huge impact. Make sure you do your job right, if thats DPS, know your rotation, and be ready to use any consumes to push yourself as high as possible.

You will find your a lot more options will open up to you, if you show you’re a valuable raid member. If however you don’t care or want to put the effort in and are ok being labeled as a carry, then not really sure what to say.

Trading isn’t the problem. That comes from what’s being traded and why. I dont think anyone can have a real problem with two level 15’s swapping out level 13-14 greens because one guy wears leather and one guy wears mail.

That being said, incessant trading and using the AH isnt all that hardcore, if at all. Gold has its uses for sure but its far from being the number one priority. Its way more hardcore to not use those things or even groups for that matter. Also, trading opens up a gigantic loop hole for people who care more about appearances and less about rules.

Having more options and/or choices sounds all fine and dandy when you don’t have to account for the people who opt to cheat and choose to buy gold. That’s a two way street - a trade off - you got more options but you got more risk to go with it. The risk being that the many people around you who don’t care about playing fair have more options too.

Go look at what happens when you blunder your way into putting an appeal option in your HC mod. People opt to use it. So careful what ya wish for.


Hardcore is not about how easy/hard you decide to make your journey, it’s simply not to die. If you want to start bringing in difficulty, then the AH, has way less impact then things like some professions such as engineering, or the fact that many people do green quests, instead where they could be pushing content and doing things above their level. Take dungeons, the real challenge with them is when you do them and your group, and limiting it to once, or even once a day doesn’t make things harder or easier.

Does using the AH, make things easier? It depends on how you use it, for me it would likely be limited to things like crafting mats, and things that I can’t make myself, more simply QOL. Others might choose to do less, or more. If someone decides they want to twink out their character does it mean they are taking the easy way? Not necessarily as they could end up doing harder content than someone who simply solos the way up.

Its why hardcore isn’t so much about doing stuff thats hard, but its simply a goal to survive. Doing things the hard way or easy way gets way more complicated, and rules rarely make things really more difficult and usually just limit things.

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I might have been one of them at one time.
Not out of spite or malice but concern that Blizz will muck it up or that the presence of a visual will perpetuate the nonsense we’ve seen both here in the forum and in game of mocking (and in some cases harassment) of others that don’t play the same way. I realize that some have perceived me as mocking or harassing of hc players and that’s probably the fault of my poor communication. I’ve been on the receiving end of horrible treatment and would like to minimize that if possible for others.

I’m in your corner regardless of which challenges we each feel are appropriate for our enjoyment.

So, having my lvl 60 buddy twink me out with gear and gold while carrying me through the leveling process 1-60 is the same as you grinding 1-60 all by yourself without any outside aid or perks?

I said trade is blameless. I believe in fair trade or trade done in good faith. Im cool with two parties benefitting relatively equally off one another much like in the example you gave.

But when you are given the option to trade in good faith the opposite option exists as well, that’s all Im saying. Doesn’t mean I think its going to be a big problem on HC servers.

Its supposed to be hard to survive, that’s the whole point. If surviving is trivial then surviving isn’t a big deal, which kind of defeats the purpose. Surviving and thriving can be trivialized if you allow yourself too many indulgences which comes from having the option to be able to do just that.

Its both a blessing and a curse is more or less what Im driving at.