HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

You ally or horde

Official SSF isnt happening. Get the addon.


In Classic I got sucked into playing Alliance.

I want to go Horde this time around…but I’m afraid of what 60 end game will look like for Horde.

I can’t stand early Alliance quest zones though…Ugh.

Sure, but I’m just saying I’m an advocate for SOM for folks like you.

Me either. For whatever reason I hate ally quest routes. I’ll be on horde but I doubt it’ll have the scene ally will

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If I end up playing I’ll announce my identity so you can attempt to add to your ear collection.
Maybe we can even do it at Gurubashi, sell tickets and the victor gets the gate proceeds too.

That might be too RP for some though.
And boring since if I play will probably be paladin.


HC PvP, possibly with SSF.

HC pvp is doa and should not happen

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Thank you for your opinion. I disagree, but will be happy with the official servers as advertised so it’s not a big deal for me personally. If they ever do buckle and make an SSF server, I hope it’s PvP.

much like we don’t need a 1 life normal era server, because you could just play era righ now and delete when you die.

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I can spoil it for you now.
the server that was nerfed to allow group/trading hype will die fast AF because everyone will reach 60, spam petris when things go wrong and generally get bored with how easy it is.
the server that has the actual hc rule set on it will live on long past that (as is already evidenced, people playing hc for years already using the rule set that makes the game new/fun)

Blizzard are giving us hardcore servers to free up the starting zones of other servers. The rules are simple so everyone can play hc how they want. If you want other rules do them yourself. Its not that difficult to understand.

You’re so delusional its sad.

Era is doing WAY better than hardcore is on BSB, and it features all those things you say would “bore” people on the official hardcore servers

You keep throwing this argument back as some kind of “gotcha” without realizing that you’re just further highlighting how ridiculous your requests are in the first place

We dont need new servers for hardcore, you’re lucky you’re even getting one, you wont be getting more

How do they not realize that that argument works both ways

yes im going to listen to what 1 loud child has to say.
i’m sure you told people there would be no classic as well
and same with hc.
you don’t know what you’re talking about, you aren’t a blue post. stop pretending bro.

Such juicy irony

No version of HC needs a special server. It can all be done on a normal Era server with or without whatever addon you feel you need.

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Yes, and there’s no need to go on the RP server either.

I do hope BSB role players get their community back too, good thinking of them!


ah yes, the vibrant RP community with literally zero items on the AH :expressionless: never forget what was stolen from them

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