HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

I would like more options to be added, IronMan rules of course topping my list, but also a “trade of mats only allowed” (I love professions).
If all different options were options with maybe a special buff like Soul of Iron/SSF, Soul of Iron/Trader, Soul of Iron/IronMan … you name it, I would really welcome this.

“The Soul of Iron system does not yet currently exist on Hardcore realms. We intend to port this system over Hardcore ruleset realms prior to their launch, with a few adjustments.” Source: https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/wow-classic-era-1-14-4-development-notes-1621723

I have no problem with that unless it adds to the development time.

The content of Classic is experienced very differently when there isn’t existing/established player infrastructure in place.

Starting out on a fresh server (especially HC) is a very different experience relative to the availability of gold…the availability of raw materials… The population of players playing together at a sub 60 level band and running dungeons.

Dungeons are experienced differently. Boosting isn’t a thing at launch on a fresh server at least initially. If boosting exists on HC Classic, it will take quite a while to establish if it ever does and carry significant risk.

Raiding is experienced differently on launch compared to an established server for many reasons - too many to go into in a single post.

A big reason HC Classic MC is going to be ‘exciting’ has little to do with the content of MC itself…and instead will revolve around how the content is experienced.

On regular Classic MC…the stakes for doing a Molten Core are very low because death means very little. If you can brute force your way through multiple boss fights even with several people dying thought the raid (including but not limited to really important tanks/healers) then it’s worth the trade off for gear.

By contrast on HC…I think you need a lot more dedicated prep across the entire raid group. You can’t afford to bring people who don’t come with a bunch of consumes farm. You can’t afford players that aren’t properly equipped. Even when you have those things…you’re probably going to have to outright stagger MC progression and gear acquisition by proceeding more slowly. Small things like not attempting Magmadar until you have at least two if not 3 tranq shots.

Early deaths at 60 will have far more weight.
If you survive to BWL and are progressing there - losing a raid geared 60 is a substantial loss to an individual player and the raid.

What makes HC appealing as a game form is ironically how simplistic the raids are. If it wasn’t as simple, predictable, and solved as it is…it’d be much to difficult as a game form to attract much appeal.

The new content in HC isnt the existing fabric of the game, it’s how players create new content with what’s already there.

A 5 man clearing LBRS or BRD may not be particularly interesting to watch on normal, but even 5 man dungeon content can be a compelling play through or watch when any death is the end for a character or potentially multiple characters.

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This is why there just needs to be an “endgame” version of the game, where leveling isn’t required to reach “endgame” content. All I read was Raid this, Raid that. Dungeons were briefly mentioned, but the main focus seems to be Raids, and it’s quite sad to hear because Classic is so much more than just Raids :roll_eyes:

EDIT: Better yet, there’s more to Classic than just instances.

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Classic is so much more than raids just the same that classic is so much more than just leveling to 60.

The entire package together is what makes it so good.

An “endgame only” server is basically just retail with level boosts


Right 'cause Retail’s version of these instances are exactly the same :roll_eyes:

I mean pre 60 is a pretty big part of the game too particularly when you throw in the enhanced importance of leveling/utilizing professions.

I enjoy is quite a bit, but I also really enjoy group content which is why I personally tend to gravitate towards 5 man dungeon content and raids. It’s not the entire game for me but an important component.

if you don’t want to lvl 1-max, you shouldn’t be playing an MMORPG. :expressionless:

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Here we go … /rolleyes

Blizzard has said they would consider making an SSF server or option after launch, and I have no problem with this. I’ve stated before that my ideal solution would be regular HC server and an HC PvP SSF server so we can have hardcore and extremecore.

The other issue I have is how the SSF community acts. You are the most reasonable poster from that community in my opinion, so this doesn’t necessarily apply to you, but the SSF community is elitist, uncompromising, and caustic in almost every post of every thread on the topic, so it makes me happy to see them not get what they want and it doesn’t motivate me to want to advocate on their behalf.


Lemme ask, again (and rephrase it):

Do you like Classic for its content (no, I don’t count other players. I’m talking about original questlines, original landscaping like unflooded thousand needles, actually going to a Trainer and training, etc.)?


Do you like Classic for the “rush” (as in, it doesn’t matter if it’s original questlines, landscaping, going to trainers for training, etc., but the “fresh” hype and temporary popularity before dipping out, once it’s “stale”)?

This is fine if sharing is out of the question.

I’m fine with the ssf folks that are tolerant of others not playing their way. That’s actually a good number of them in game. Here?

There’s strident people on both sides.

I would ask Blizzard though if the servers as announced are ready but additional mode/s are not to please not delay and release as scheduled.

While I don’t think an “extreme core” server is actually needed, it would be a nice experiment to see how each develops over time. I am hoping they support the variation on the new server optionally.
Thanks for the input, as always.

What is Extreme-core? IronMan rules or what - I’d like this!

It’s a Missuspowpow word, and I quite like it too.


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That’s where the word came from - and thanks, I quite like it too. But what is the meaning of it?



“Extreme core”


The former of the two; mostly towards the beginning and middle of a servers life cycle.

I’m not partial to HC as a format in and of itself.
HC (by virtue of how it slows progression and removes people and resources from the server community) creates an environment that’s more akin to original Classic WoW…when everything in the game felt like it was harder/had more weight.

I can’t speak for anybody else - but I played this game 20 years ago when people hadn’t figured everything out yet and weren’t very good. The sense of wonder and excitement was there. New raid content took weeks for most guilds if not months.

On fresh HC if your tank or geared DPS warrior who can craft Lionheart helm dies…you just resurrect them.

On HC, it’s a grievous loss of a 60 player…any time spent gearing them up…any crafted recipes they had which formerly could be accessed by the community but now cannot be as that individual crafter is gone forever.

It hurts when it’s a Blacksmith…and it hurts when it’s that Alchemist who’s one of the few people who can craft some rare Flasks etc.

I know I have a tendency to focus on 60 content when I talk about the ramifications of HC on Classic WoW. I know it’s not the entire game - but for me 60 is a huge part of the game.

Leveling up is basically the ‘scrappy adventurer’ portion of the game for me…where I’m working on reaching the apex of my character’s potential…unlocking new abilities…slowly gearing up…slowly making meaningful social connections that will become important at 60.

60 content is the part of the game where I’m ‘established’.

When I say ‘established’ I mean in the sense that you hit 60 and are essentially an experienced camper with a tent ‘established’.

Yogi the bear can still roll up on me in the woods and kneecap me pretty easily for my picnic basket in HC Classic WoW at 60.

The goal is to build yourself and everyone in your social sphere up into castle status…and that takes along time.

Then you’re for the latter and not the former, like you claim.

'Cause to me, if it’s ACTUALLY for the content, then the community around you is practically irrelevant, IMO.

But, I’m for team temporary servers that cater to your style of play, anyway. So, I wish you the best of luck in getting a “Round 2” of SOM.

'Cause unfortunately, the Perma version style is not for you.

Won’t see SoM2 or Classic+ (whatever it’s going to be) until early 2024…Id lean more towards Spring 2024.

Right now for people like me… It’s HC Classic or Era…and Era has all the content unlocked but seriously lacks in many areas.

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